Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's day!

Happy Father's day to this guy!

We are thankful for all he does, for loving us and for being the 'fixer of everything' per Lily!

Happy Father's day to all the guys in our lives too! My Dad, Pawpaw, Ben, Andrew, Richard, Vic, soon to be Bill too! We have some fabulous guys around!

These two girls love their Daddy!

Today we did what Daddy wanted to do! Well...this all 'cute'...and in her 'golfing attire' I snapped a picture!
This one is learning the game with her Daddy!
We played a little golf....hit the balls at the driving range...then had lunch at Nan and Pawpaw's. Came home just in time for an afternoon thunderstorm and a nap! Ahhh....Tyler said it was a great Father's day! :)

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