Friday, June 12, 2020

Home alone

So Tyler and I have been 'home alone' this week as the girls have been with Aunt Pam, Kennedy, Britt and Mitchell.

Brittney told me that Alexis said that she is moving down I guess we will never see her again! :)

They have had a blast this week! Aunt Pam has taken them on a picnic, she has cooked a TON of food, they have swam, gone out on the jet ski, played in the backyard, had a spa day, watched movies, helped her cook, baked, and tooonnnss more!

Alexis even told me that she 'cleaned the WHOLE house'....and 'organized.'

Bahahaha....I dont know what that entails as she didnt go into detail but okay then, sure! Alexis also told me that she has helped give Kennedy baths, that Lily has helped change her clothes and take Kennedy to go potty {they are working on potty training and she is in 'big girl' panties!} and that they have really helped Aunt Pam alot while they have been there!


Im am so thankful that they have had so much fun!

well, I have been working. Tyler has been working. And, we both have been soaking up the quiet time and enjoying each other's company so we have had a good week too! We have gone on a lot of 'dates' this week. We have gone golfing and some shopping and just gearing up to head to the beach tomorrow! WHOO HOOO!

Lily and Alexis are just not going to know what to do with themselves! Getting to be 'at the beach' for 2 weeks straight! I would say that are some pretty lucky and blessed girls! :)

I havent gotten many pictures as I am sure Aunt Pam has taken a lot but just not sent them to me so I will probably be doing another blog post of more pictures later...
but Alexis sent me this one of Lily and Kennedy playing in the Orbitz pool! Lily was in Heaven as she looovess these slimy things! ha!
And...perfection of a picture of Aunt Pam. This is her. She loves to cook and that is what she did all week. Alexis and Lily, both, enjoyed helping her cook. This looks delicious!
So thankful my girls got to have this family time and got to make so many fun memories this week!

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