Saturday, June 27, 2020

Lily's dance season!


to say Lily's element is hip an understatement!

OH my I LOVED watching her do her hip hop routine!

She was awesome! She had that sass. She had the moves. She rocked it!

Now, ballet, she did awesome too! She was beautiful on stage and smiled and did her routine!.....but the hip hop............yep, that was my favorite of all the dances!

We were ready to hit the recital!
 Daddy was ready to see his girls do their thing too!
 Two hip hop girls that did it for the first time....and its become their favorite!
 Get it!
 She did so good!
 My favorite picture!
 Then...on to ballet!
 My tiny ballerina!
 That smile!
 Her and Alexis got their award!
 Her hip hop routine was selected to be in the 2nd show too {because it was just so stinking cute!} so we hung out while we waited on the next show! She wanted me to take a picture of her...doing hip hop on top and ballet on the bottom! ha!
 Cassell was in the 2nd show and she was sooo excited that we were there to watch her! I asked her if she was going to smile big on stage...and her response was 'OF COURSE!' ha!
 Two chicks ready! I love how the venue was moved to Anniston high school this time instead of Oxford Performing Arts where it had been all the other years. It was much more laid back and we could take pictures {during rehearsal last night too} It was a much better environment! So....see...there is some good amongst the bad {COVID!} :)
 These girls were ready to perform in the 2nd show!
After Lily did her hip hop, we left so we didnt stay for the full 2nd show since we did for the 1st. It was a good dance day!

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