Sunday, June 21, 2020

PCB part 2

We still kept rocking and rolling...soaking everything in and making the most of our trip!

Bright and early...this ray of sunshine and the rest of us were up and out!
The ocean...was just amazing the entire week! So perfect! The waves, the aqua blue...crystal clear water. Just awesome!
This girl floated on a rainbow!
I didnt take many pictures this day as we literally did beach, pool, beach, pool and repeat the entire day! We had this view for dinner! Tyler cooked out again and we soaked it all in!
This was my dinner view! The girls and Gran and Ben ate out on the balcony in the room so we sat down by the grill and had a date night! ha!
Have I mentioned how Tyler is a master griller these days!!?!?! Well...he for sure is! :)
Afternoon swim...why sure!
We had the pool to ourselves for most every time we were in! The girls played really well with each other! Here they were playing...'Guess what I am doing under water.' ha!
Day.....I dont know..and I dont care! I have literally lost track of my days since March so I for sure didnt keep up with the day while at the beach! :)
Her bathing suit...just soooo adorable on this day!
Loved the back of it! She had a blast catching fish!
Our annual chair by the water picture! I wish Alexis had her sunglasses on but oh well...still have to have this picture each year! :)
Daddy helped find fish! There were these beautiful white fish everywhere! They tried their best to catch them! Lily caught a ton of the babies....but just wasnt quick enough for the bigger ones.
Had to take a picture of Tyler's contraption! Look at this thing! We got a ton of looks and 'wow's' while we were on the beach! ha! People would ask him....'you made this!?!' ha! It literally held every.single.thing. we needed!
On this day....we decided to venture out! So, we left early to beat the crowds and enjoyed steak night!
This girl loves the fact that she is as big as me!
My little mini!
Texas Roadhouse for the win! We ate...went to a couple of shops and enjoyed yogurt before heading back! Yum-O! :)
Big chair family picture!

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