Sunday, June 21, 2020

Final PCB beach 2020

We had the best week and the fun kept coming!

Up and ready. On a mission to bring home some fish!
Can you see them?!!? She had a ton. And...NO....she did not bring any home! Sorry Charlie! ha!
This was my back view after snapping a picture of Lily! These two just relaxing! And...notice that supped up cart back there!
We did nothing...but this....alllll day! We watched another movie by the ocean. Ate/grilled and just enjoyed the sunset!
The next day....they enjoyed more of the hot tub as I caught sun rays!
 And then...we of course....hit the beach and enjoyed sand on our toes!
She washed off allllll of her shells!
On this night we decided to venture out again. We at seafood on this night...rode go-carts and had yogurt, again, {YUMMY!} before heading back!
Us three were ready to ride!
None of them, though, wanted to ride with me. They both were mad that one of them would have to. They both said I drove too slow and wanted to both ride with Tyler.
Lily actually started crying that she was selected to ride with me. So...she rode with Tyler {or her to stop crying {big baby}:) And Alexis rode with me...and she was not happy about it.
This is Lily telling me pictures Momma, I am trying to get ready as she 'smiles.' ha!
She smiled...though she was not happy to be riding with me!

AND........GUESS WHO WON!?!!?

Yep...ME! I whooped Tyler! So....Lily was mad that they lost and had wished she had rode with me! Alexis...she rubbed it in that we won...........though I told her she didnt have any right to! ha!
Fun memories!
Next day. All on repeat!
The surfed!
Catching the waves...allll day!
Some pool time! They played with this ball thing that Lily won at BINGO the day before!
Catching afternoon waves!
And..of course...they ate a whole box of popsicles on the trip! :)
And..because I didnt take any pictures of the other nights...I thought to snap this one on the last movie night. All...comfy and ready for it to start. They would watch it..then swim...then hit the hot tub...then come back and watch more!
We got up and headed home, yesterday, and the girls were thrilled to see Aubie and Soccer since they have been gone for 2 weeks! Both girls were glad to be home! :)

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