Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wordless Wednesday!


A good piece of advice to round-out September!

1st away game!

 Alexis had her 1st away game last night against Weaver! I havent been to Weaver high school since I was in school so it was neat to go to an old rival school!

The boys played hard...but didnt pull out the win unfortunately. It was a chilly night, too, so with a loss and the chilliness, I was ready to get home and curl up!

Before I headed home, I headed to good ole Kennamer to celebrate the guy in the chair turning the BIG 6--0 with this crew! It was good to catch up with the old faces that I have not been around in awhile!

Never a dull moment! to watch this group! They work so hard and are looking great!

I hate Lily had her eyes closed! The sun was just too much and this is only picture I got of the night! Carli came with us to she is hilarious behind Lily like she is waiting on her to come with her to walk around the track!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Our Fall weekend!

 The first official Fall weekend was AUsome!

Alllll the football games....the perfect weather....the food...the friends...

it just does something to my heart and makes me happy! :)

We stayed at home...watched allll the football we could....ate all the football food too....and enjoyed relaxing at home since we normally dont get this opportunity due to the past where the girls have been doing some sort of something that takes up our Saturdays. 

We made the most of our weekend and it was so nice!

Saturday afternoon....we had these two over. These three played and played and played and played some more! We did it all....and then made s'mores to cap it all off!

OH so yummy!
Sydney was with Lex and they did alll things 'grown up'.......which consisted of hanging out in Alexis' room and talking...ha...boring! :)

Then they begged to get the hot tub! So...once they got was straight to showers and then they played play-doh and then watched a movie and crashed!

They all went to Church with us this morning and then after we dropped them home my little crew had lunch and then did some shopping and now we are home relaxing and I am about to start my 2nd mid-term! {Insert tears here!} I did finish my first class {the 8 essays} but now I have my Ethics course where there is MORE to do! Ugh! But....I will get it done! Prayers continued please! :)

L & L (Lily and allllllllllll her legos!)


Lily and alllllllllllll of her Legos!

She is obsessed with them and I love that she does! She will sit and play for hours...literally...working on new designs, etc with her CAZILLION that she has! She got more birthday money from Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi....and what do you think she spent it alllll on?!?!

Yep, legos!

They are in every corner of her room almost! I think she is pretty close to having the world record! :)

This is her new set....along with the big purple box from Gran that she has combined to make a huge piece! I love seeing her little mind work the different creations that she does! Engineer in the making!

See..........another stash......they are everywhere! :)


Feelin like Fall with finally Auburn football and football FOOD!


 I have been waiting for Auburn football for months!

Talk about the worst feeling ever when there was talk that the season wasnt going to happen!

Still sad that JSU is only having one home game this season due to COVID too!

BUT....the day has come and AUBURN football happened! It looked totally different than 'normal' but the excitement was up and Auburn played AUsome against Kentucky and pulled out a great win to kick off the season! WAR Eagle! :)

So....we did alllll things Fall yesterday in honor of the first official Fall weekend and football starting! 

It was fabulous!

100% wearing our Auburn attire! NO question! I always love taking the girls pictures by the Fall decor outside Walmart! bahaha! 

My little worker bee! She loves to help out and is reallllly good at it! So...why not! I dont mind the extra help...because we know that Lily for sure isnt giving any out....and Tyler...well, he does a little! ha!
This girl would rather be outside and riding her that is exactly what she did! Riding her baby around too!
Feeeelin like Fall! Ahhh....LOVE!

I LOVE me some football food! I mean...I could technically make it any time...but there is just something about making it during football season that makes it all taste just extra better! I could not wait to fix allll my favorites! And...eating the leftovers today is even better! :)

A perfection of a good ole football Saturday night!

Whoop whoop! Great kick off to the season!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Wordless on a Thursday!

 There are noooo words.

8 essays to complete for just one of my courses for the mid-term. 

This is

Ugh! :)

I had meant to post this yesterday as this was literally my view...but time got passed me and I didnt post. I have done 3 of the pray for me!...............and Tyler too! :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

They went gold!

 So far...we are still rocking and rolling with JV football! Last night the Eagles beat White Plains pretty bad! It was a perfection of a Fall afternoon too! It even got chilly once the sun went down to the point that I wished I had a small jacket!

The girls wore their gold t-shirts in support of childhood cancer month...and for our favorite...Thompson!

I found out today that due to COVID, the Varsity isnt going to play their next 2 football games. It makes me sad! So...we shall see what the future holds for Alexis' games! Thankfully they got in Homecoming and Senior night so if the trend continues with no more least they got in the 'highlights!' There is always...always..always....something to be thankful for! Pray the JV gets to keep playing!

Go gold for childhood cancer!

Go Eagles!
They had two out because of quarantine so they didnt get to really do the new cheer and pyramids they have been working on. Boo!
LOVE this smile on her! Love the friendships she is building. Love that she is doing something she loves!
It got chilly so they put on their jackets! I love them!

THIS picture! I saved to put it closer to the bottom...because to me, this picture is worth a million dollars. See...the little blonde towards the right of the picture?!? Well, that was me. I did everything...everything..that the 'big' girls did. I could not wait for Varsity games so I could watch the cheerleaders cheer. I did every cheer with them. I just thought they hung the moon and were the grandest of girls! Well, this sweet little girl battled cancer starting at the age of 6 months. She is now in the 2nd grade and LOOK at her! Wanting to be just like the 'big' girls! My heart could have exploded. And the fact that my oldest is to the of the grandest girls that she is trying her hardest to mimic is mine. To that little girl, she is a role model. To that little girl...she wants to be 'just like her!' I pray Alexis knows how even being a cheerleader is inspirational and that she is the best role model she can be because little girls.....are wanting to be just like her! {Insert huge tears here!} :)

These two! They sure do love each other! They have had many years of friendship between them both! They both..together..make me tired! ha! But...we love Ella and Lily is so happy they get to spend every Monday together! They did everything under the sun at the game {except cheer on their big brother and sister!} from eating everything at the concession stand to laughing to 'working' the concession stand! Glad they have each other and glad they have fun together! :)

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Weekend of Fall!

 This weekend felt 100% like Fall! The wind blowing...the got me in the mood I was hoping for because since COVID, everything has just felt 'out of whack!' This weekend helped me get to where it felt like 'how it is supposed to be!' and I am soooo happy!

We kept it low key since we have been  in full force the past week. It was perfection! As I type, Lily and I are curled up watching 'Halloween Wars' on the Food Network and all is right in the world! :)

Friday night lights was the Homecoming game and Alexis had to sell programs. How do you think Lily feels about me asking her to take a picture?!?! Even with the mask...........there is NO hiding that look! bahaha! That girl!

Saturday Alexis had a full day, almost, of stunt camp. So, Lily and I dropped her off and we did a little shopping before having to pick her back up!
When you want a 'shopping spree' and want to spend allll your birthday make a decision! We went up and down...and down....and up...and back again...searching for the perfect items to spend alllll her money on! :)
After Church today Daddy and Lex had a lunch date. I got this picture. Lily and I had one too!

Friday, September 18, 2020

School picture day and Homecoming week!

 For it to be the 1st full week back, we have been in full force!

For it to be Friday...I am doing this post so that means...we survived!

We have had a great week and hopefully the trend will continue and COVID stays away and they can keep having full weeks!

Callie has started riding to school with Lily and the bigs {Carli and Alexis} ride with Ryan. They have loved this new change and it is easier on us parents too! It's a win-win!

We are ready for the weekend but first...Friday night lights tonight! Go Eagles!

 To mark the first full day....of the first full week back...her 'before school' picture! :) She looked sooo cute on her 1st Monday!

Alexis' first Monday back! Homecoming week so she had to wear 'spirit' clothes since all the cheerleaders are required to participate in the Homecoming dress up days! pictures....2020 edition! ha! This is how all school pictures in the yearbook will probably look! baha! Oh wow is all I can say! Never would have thought!

Lily looked so cute for her pictures! Blue is a great color on her! Alexis will have school pictures on a different date!
I didnt get all the pictures of her each day....but on this was 'Dress as a tourist!' So...okay!...she dressed {like me} as a tourist going to Disney world! She looked so my clothes! :)
It's FRIDAY!............and its wear Blue and Gold day! These two were supporting the Eagles this morning!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wordless Wednesday!


We need to try this!


2nd JV game!

 Well the outcome was kind of odd....they just ended the to zero!

We all thought they would go into overtime but apparently they dont in Junior high games! So they 'tied' against Wellborn on Monday night! Both teams played good...they just couldnt score! ha!

They pushed the time back for the game so it was a perfection of a night for some Monday night lights!

I love seeing Alexis shine out there!

I love this uniform on her! I think it fits her so well!

Love my cheerleader!
The squad!
In action!
Go Eagles!
Half-time! They looked so good!
Way to go Eagles!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Allll the praise hands gooo up!

 All the praise hands go up....

and they stay there...and they stay there! ha!

Today marks the first week back the FULL week for the girls!

Whoop whoop!

We are all excited!

It is Homecoming between going to school/work the full week...throwing in Alexis' football game...cheer practice and Lily's soccer practices AND the game Friday night......we are going to be exhausted {especially since we have not had a full/busy week since MARCH!} 

BUT.....we are allll excited about allll the fun things coming up and having our crazy schedules were bound to finally happen again and we are thankful!

We enjoyed the down time but we also love all things that is happening!

She couldnt wait to have all of her cute outfits picked out for the week! I love this romper on her!

Today is 'team' 'jersey' day! GO Eagles! Excited to watch them play tonight!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

BIG 9!

 Lily is 9 today!

Boy has it flown!

It feels like yesterday, literally, that I was being rushed down highway 280 in rush hour traffic to have her....when she decided to come on out, 2 weeks early!

It is an afternoon...I will never forget and will always be etched in my memory! :)

To know Lily is to love her! She is quirky, funny, full of life, stubborn, sensitive, loving and just completes our family!

Happy birthday Lily! Im pretty sure she had a great birthday!

She is 9!! The annual decorating of the door! She makes sure I dont forget to do this...every year! :) And the annual..'use your fingers to show your age picture!' haha! :)

She has loved all of her fun gifts from friends and family but I have to say...her favorite is this picture frame that Aunt Pam got her! She looooooves her Aubie and Soccer so this just made her year to have! :)

We celebrated!

 Lily has been counting down to her birthday/birthday party since July! It always happens right after Alexis has her birthday. Every year!

So...since COVID...we have stuck with the them of keeping it outdoors and September is such a beautiful month that it was a perfect day to be out on the water!

It was a great day celebrating our 9 year old yesterday!

She wanted a 'cowgirl' theme along with her water/tubing party! Funny story about her cake. So she picked out what she wanted but they couldnt do a 'cowgirl' hat or anything on it so I told her..I will just get some icing and do what you want! Well...epic fail {and I knew it would be because you and baking...or anything dessert related.....sooo...yeah} but she took it like a champ and the 'cowgirl hat' and the 'cowgirl' written down the side of the cake worked for her! ha! She said...'I will just tell everyone that is a cowgirl hat Mommy, it is fine!' bahaha! Thanks Lily...thanks...because, yeah...that blob needs some explaining! :) :)

So...this is her 'cowgirl' outfit she picked out...a week wear! :)

So adorable! I french braided her hair...per her round out the theme! :)
Our 9 year old! Wow time has flown!
Ella and Lily wanted a picture in their 'cowgirl' attire! Notice their feet! They wanted to pose like this! ha!
Lily's bestest friends!
Happy birthday sweet girl!

Ready to hit the water!
But first gifts!
She got this awesome and HUGE card! Bigger than her!
They were all so excited!
Caroline and Lily!
Having fun!
Wild ones! They all kept screaming at Mr. Tyler to do the 'shark bite' on them! {Where he would circle them with the boat {like sharks do} and then whip the see how many fall out! They all loooveed and begged to do it!}
All smiles!
Living their best life! Such a beautiful day and oh so relaxing! {even with this crew with us!} :) It was great celebrating her!