Thursday, September 10, 2020

Soccer season finally!

 Lily was SO sad that she didnt get to have Spring soccer this year due to COVID!

She loves soccer and it was just sad that due to a stupid virus she had to give up a sport that she loves!

We were sooooo interested in seeing if Fall would allow her to play...and we were SO excited that it is happening!

Even with all the safety protocols...they are making it work and Lily is out on the field!

We decided to go with Jacksonville this year instead of Anniston because they have not advised they are having a season so it is not looking like it will happen we jumped on signing her up with Jacksonville! She has played here, before, and so she was excited to get back in the groove and she loves how she knows almost everyone on her team! Especially excited that Piper, Bennett and Elyn are on her team!

Its going to be a fun season!

She was SO ready!

My little soccer star!

She has a good number on her team! Way more than I thought! The fields were full tonight, too, of teams practicing as well as cheer squads practicing! It was good to see all the activity going on! I also heard the JSU band practicing so that made my heart happy too! It was a beautiful night {minus the bugs} out on the fields!

Cant wait to watch them play!

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