Sunday, September 13, 2020

We celebrated!

 Lily has been counting down to her birthday/birthday party since July! It always happens right after Alexis has her birthday. Every year!

So...since COVID...we have stuck with the them of keeping it outdoors and September is such a beautiful month that it was a perfect day to be out on the water!

It was a great day celebrating our 9 year old yesterday!

She wanted a 'cowgirl' theme along with her water/tubing party! Funny story about her cake. So she picked out what she wanted but they couldnt do a 'cowgirl' hat or anything on it so I told her..I will just get some icing and do what you want! Well...epic fail {and I knew it would be because you and baking...or anything dessert related.....sooo...yeah} but she took it like a champ and the 'cowgirl hat' and the 'cowgirl' written down the side of the cake worked for her! ha! She said...'I will just tell everyone that is a cowgirl hat Mommy, it is fine!' bahaha! Thanks Lily...thanks...because, yeah...that blob needs some explaining! :) :)

So...this is her 'cowgirl' outfit she picked out...a week wear! :)

So adorable! I french braided her hair...per her round out the theme! :)
Our 9 year old! Wow time has flown!
Ella and Lily wanted a picture in their 'cowgirl' attire! Notice their feet! They wanted to pose like this! ha!
Lily's bestest friends!
Happy birthday sweet girl!

Ready to hit the water!
But first gifts!
She got this awesome and HUGE card! Bigger than her!
They were all so excited!
Caroline and Lily!
Having fun!
Wild ones! They all kept screaming at Mr. Tyler to do the 'shark bite' on them! {Where he would circle them with the boat {like sharks do} and then whip the see how many fall out! They all loooveed and begged to do it!}
All smiles!
Living their best life! Such a beautiful day and oh so relaxing! {even with this crew with us!} :) It was great celebrating her!

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