Friday, September 18, 2020

School picture day and Homecoming week!

 For it to be the 1st full week back, we have been in full force!

For it to be Friday...I am doing this post so that means...we survived!

We have had a great week and hopefully the trend will continue and COVID stays away and they can keep having full weeks!

Callie has started riding to school with Lily and the bigs {Carli and Alexis} ride with Ryan. They have loved this new change and it is easier on us parents too! It's a win-win!

We are ready for the weekend but first...Friday night lights tonight! Go Eagles!

 To mark the first full day....of the first full week back...her 'before school' picture! :) She looked sooo cute on her 1st Monday!

Alexis' first Monday back! Homecoming week so she had to wear 'spirit' clothes since all the cheerleaders are required to participate in the Homecoming dress up days! pictures....2020 edition! ha! This is how all school pictures in the yearbook will probably look! baha! Oh wow is all I can say! Never would have thought!

Lily looked so cute for her pictures! Blue is a great color on her! Alexis will have school pictures on a different date!
I didnt get all the pictures of her each day....but on this was 'Dress as a tourist!' So...okay!...she dressed {like me} as a tourist going to Disney world! She looked so my clothes! :)
It's FRIDAY!............and its wear Blue and Gold day! These two were supporting the Eagles this morning!

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