Sunday, September 13, 2020

BIG 9!

 Lily is 9 today!

Boy has it flown!

It feels like yesterday, literally, that I was being rushed down highway 280 in rush hour traffic to have her....when she decided to come on out, 2 weeks early!

It is an afternoon...I will never forget and will always be etched in my memory! :)

To know Lily is to love her! She is quirky, funny, full of life, stubborn, sensitive, loving and just completes our family!

Happy birthday Lily! Im pretty sure she had a great birthday!

She is 9!! The annual decorating of the door! She makes sure I dont forget to do this...every year! :) And the annual..'use your fingers to show your age picture!' haha! :)

She has loved all of her fun gifts from friends and family but I have to say...her favorite is this picture frame that Aunt Pam got her! She looooooves her Aubie and Soccer so this just made her year to have! :)

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