Sunday, September 27, 2020

Our Fall weekend!

 The first official Fall weekend was AUsome!

Alllll the football games....the perfect weather....the food...the friends...

it just does something to my heart and makes me happy! :)

We stayed at home...watched allll the football we could....ate all the football food too....and enjoyed relaxing at home since we normally dont get this opportunity due to the past where the girls have been doing some sort of something that takes up our Saturdays. 

We made the most of our weekend and it was so nice!

Saturday afternoon....we had these two over. These three played and played and played and played some more! We did it all....and then made s'mores to cap it all off!

OH so yummy!
Sydney was with Lex and they did alll things 'grown up'.......which consisted of hanging out in Alexis' room and talking...ha...boring! :)

Then they begged to get the hot tub! So...once they got was straight to showers and then they played play-doh and then watched a movie and crashed!

They all went to Church with us this morning and then after we dropped them home my little crew had lunch and then did some shopping and now we are home relaxing and I am about to start my 2nd mid-term! {Insert tears here!} I did finish my first class {the 8 essays} but now I have my Ethics course where there is MORE to do! Ugh! But....I will get it done! Prayers continued please! :)

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