Sunday, September 27, 2020

Feelin like Fall with finally Auburn football and football FOOD!


 I have been waiting for Auburn football for months!

Talk about the worst feeling ever when there was talk that the season wasnt going to happen!

Still sad that JSU is only having one home game this season due to COVID too!

BUT....the day has come and AUBURN football happened! It looked totally different than 'normal' but the excitement was up and Auburn played AUsome against Kentucky and pulled out a great win to kick off the season! WAR Eagle! :)

So....we did alllll things Fall yesterday in honor of the first official Fall weekend and football starting! 

It was fabulous!

100% wearing our Auburn attire! NO question! I always love taking the girls pictures by the Fall decor outside Walmart! bahaha! 

My little worker bee! She loves to help out and is reallllly good at it! So...why not! I dont mind the extra help...because we know that Lily for sure isnt giving any out....and Tyler...well, he does a little! ha!
This girl would rather be outside and riding her that is exactly what she did! Riding her baby around too!
Feeeelin like Fall! Ahhh....LOVE!

I LOVE me some football food! I mean...I could technically make it any time...but there is just something about making it during football season that makes it all taste just extra better! I could not wait to fix allll my favorites! And...eating the leftovers today is even better! :)

A perfection of a good ole football Saturday night!

Whoop whoop! Great kick off to the season!

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