Sunday, September 20, 2020

Weekend of Fall!

 This weekend felt 100% like Fall! The wind blowing...the got me in the mood I was hoping for because since COVID, everything has just felt 'out of whack!' This weekend helped me get to where it felt like 'how it is supposed to be!' and I am soooo happy!

We kept it low key since we have been  in full force the past week. It was perfection! As I type, Lily and I are curled up watching 'Halloween Wars' on the Food Network and all is right in the world! :)

Friday night lights was the Homecoming game and Alexis had to sell programs. How do you think Lily feels about me asking her to take a picture?!?! Even with the mask...........there is NO hiding that look! bahaha! That girl!

Saturday Alexis had a full day, almost, of stunt camp. So, Lily and I dropped her off and we did a little shopping before having to pick her back up!
When you want a 'shopping spree' and want to spend allll your birthday make a decision! We went up and down...and down....and up...and back again...searching for the perfect items to spend alllll her money on! :)
After Church today Daddy and Lex had a lunch date. I got this picture. Lily and I had one too!

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