Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wordless Wednesday!


 Where did this little one go?!? No sign of this anymore! I miss her being this little!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

I have to say!

 I have to say....

when mine were 3...I remember it was 'hard'......................


I have to say............

I would love to go back to when they were 3!

Tyler says he disagrees....but...having an almost 10 and almost 13 is harder! ha!

He is just so innocent....and sweet....and everything is new and fun! No eye pressures of all the 'bad' outside world....

just sweet 3. :)

He is the sweetest!

Look at that 3 year old smile!
He says he is a big boy!

The 3!

Little stinker! We had the best time with him!

A fun last day of Spring break!

 We knew Sunday would be storming....again...surprise!! we made the most of our 'last sunny and fun day of Spring break!'

We got to have Grey for the weekend for the 1st time and we were all so excited for him to be with us!

Lily and I picked him up early....and we played the whooollle time until we loaded up and met Gran and Ben at Moe's for lunch and then went bowling!

After bowling, we came home and spent the rest of the night just having fun! Grey slept great! He curled right up with Lily and both of them went straight to sleep!

This morning.............I heard four little feet running into my room at the bright and early time of 6:00am.................with Grey telling me...................Lily woke me up!


That is Lily. That is what she does. That is who she is.   :)

We had Church this morning {the cutest thing ever.....we had Communion and when we went to drink the 'blood' {grape juice} Grey goes...'What are you doin??' ha! That is the only time he spoke or anything during Church! He was SO good the whole time! He sat right beside me and played with his little truck the whole time. Just rolling it over and over his little legs!} :)  and then lunch followed by Grey taking a 2 hour nap!

Right now.......Lily and Grey are playing with Legos and watching Disney plus! 

Alexis is gone with WK and her family to the JSU game. To be fancy and be with them in their suite. Yeah....she was excited to go!

The rain has stopped....but it is still really wet and very overcast so we are just relaxing inside and getting ready to start our groove back tomorrow.

It has been a great Spring break!

Nothing cuter than a little 3 year old in Spiderman  underwear! I let him pick out the kind of 'big boy' underwear that he wanted and he wore them the whole time we were home! He pottied once in the toilet........but........that is all I got! ha! I know it wont be long he will be trained....if he keeps those big boy undies on...and doesnt get them wet! :)

Playing...and playing...and playing...and more!
This is my favorite! The first thing he said when we pulled up...was 'WOW...BIG trucks!' Tyler got them down and they raced them! The sweetest!
Gran gave them their Easter baskets early! They are huge!
Bowling star! She bowled so good!
Lily had fun bowling!

Grey had fun bowling too! cars!

Friday, March 26, 2021

A perfection of a day after!

 And just like that...

today was a perfection of a day! Beautiful weather.....sunshine....being outside alllll day and just soaking up our last days of Spring break!

We rode! LOVE that we take off from our house down to the trail! LOVE...LOVE...LOVE!

Picnic for the win!

They wanted to play on the playground so I took some action shots! :)

Alexis in action!
We ended the day with some JSU Soccer.........Cooters...........and hot tub! {Well for them...not me..that is!} :)

How many tornadoes can we count?!

 I mean...

3 years ago....same exact time...Spring break....

we did this same thing.

Thank goodness this time, we were not affected but tornadoes communities around us were and then around where we use to live in Birmingham including Lana and Vic's neighborhood were severely damaged. Heartbreaking to see and remember what we went through and know they are going through it now too.

We took shelter in our basement for the 1st round of storms. That is when our power went out. We were without power for about 4 hours. Daddy hooked up our generator {because we learned our lesson from 3 years ago} so the fridge...........................and the TV were going! :)

We pulled out the generator once it got once we came back up {when the storm had passed} they played and played together! 

It was cracking me up!

And played some more! Then we binge watched American Idol before calling it a night! Thankful we made it through with only some nerves being effected!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

A day in the sun!

 We are finishing out our Spring break...which is SO sad! So far it has been great! We have had low-key days....and then 'fun days'....and then relaxing at home days and it has been great!

Today...we are currently having a very low-key day as it has been rainy and storming....but


it was FULL of sunshine...and we made the most of it!

We rode the train!....and we rode again! We soaked up ALL the fun!

This picture cracks me up because Lily is saying as I was taking this picture....why do I have to have heavy Calhoun to sit in my lap! ha! She was trying her best to get him up on her lap! He was loving the fact that she was trying so hard! :)

Petting zoo time! They loved looking at alll the animals and petting what they could!

My favorite picture!

They did the wishing well.....with no water and rocks! ha! They all made a wish before throwing their rocks in!

Us girls! Great day! We enjoyed lunch at Big Chief, smelling the flowers, playing on the playground, getting Frio pops, and just soaking in the beautiful day! Calhoun and Cassell cracked me up because Lily and Alexis were super excited that they knew about what happened to Noccalula! 

Well...for the rest of the time....   let me just say..... #noIdontwanttomarrythatboy   #theregoestherockandthenextrock   #cassellandcalhounwouldnotstopsayingit  

Memories were for sure made! It was hilarious! We got home in time to take a family bike ride around the neighborhood...and then Daddy grilled out! Perfection!

And today...before the storms came....these two were out planting Lilys! Lily can NOT wait for her two blueberry bushes....and allll the lilies to sprout!

Monday, March 22, 2021

A trip to Auburn!

 We took off to Auburn yesterday! Just for a day trip type deal...but it was just what we needed!

We were going to go to a softball game but it was too chilly so instead....we did what we do and shop....................and then spend the rest of the time in the indoor pool!

We did all the things and had a great short trip!

We...well...they....they swam...and swam....and swam!

And met 'friends' and swam...and swam!
Then they got cleaned up and we headed to THIS! He was great! It was the best 'show' I have seen! When he started lighting the flame sticks....and swinging them around...and then throwing the fire bowl into his top hat...I mean..WOW!
Next up...bowling! We had a great time! Yeah...this guy...he is a boss bowler! :)
I love watching Lily's dance..with her fingers crossed...hoping for all the pins to fall down! :)
I look down and this is my view! The BEST picture to me!
Then....more swimming...and more swimming!

Two their best life!

We are home now....relaxing and enjoying the fact that we have the rest of the week to continue with low key fun!

Kicking off Spring break!

 Saturday was gorgeous! Us girls soaked up the day with lunch, shopping and getting our toes ready for Spring break!

Having your toes done in a pandemic...this is what it looks like! :)

They both were hilarious to watch....because they both twitching and cringing because he tickled so much when he scrubbed their feet to get the dead skin off! ha! 

Having the complete treatment! :)

We did some shopping and had lunch at Chicken Salad Chick before coming home and then the Messer's came over with pizza and a babysitter! The girls all had fun hanging out while us parents enjoyed a kid free dinner! 

The best day to kick off Spring break!

Soccer star!

 Lily was so excited to get to be with the Varsity soccer team during their soccer clinic on Friday!

A great way to kick off Spring break!

Lily also was so excited to be with Willa Kate, Alexis Johnson and Jordan as they helped run the clinic.

She said she had so much fun and learned a lot of 'tricks!' :)

They had a great turnout!

She loves soccer and I love that she does!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Allllll A's club and a new food try!

 The girls got their Report Cards in this week.....


drum roll....

ALLLLL A's for both of them!

SUPER proud of them and how hard they work to do their best!......especially since the world has been so crazy and us dealing with quarantines, etc!

Didnt get a picture of Alexis....she said because she is in high school and doesnt have these A Honor Roll sheets anymore! { know how she wont take a picture for me but will do 10,000 selfies for herself!...that was the case when I asked her!} is Lily! A Honor Roll! Whooooop whooop!

 And....a new staple that will be rotating on the menu for us! Asian Noodles with beef! OH yum! I have to say.........we felt fancy last night! All four of us Laws loved it! YUM!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

HAPPY birthday Pawpaw!

 After Church today, we met Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi for lunch to celebrate Pawpaw since his birthday is this week!

Today marks a beautiful Sunday....and the clocks changed today! OH...I LOVE this time change! It is my favorite!

We had a great lunch...followed by the girls hanging out back at their house....while Pawpaw and Tyler enjoying some golf........while I am currently doing this...and two loads of laundry before I soak up the day with a run to get groceries for the week................and reading/studying next! I could skip the reading/studying............but ya know, its part of life these days! :)

Happy birthday Pawpaw!

And....later on today....I got a free carwash! Long story....from the night before, I was in charge of picking up Sydney, Carli and Lex to bring them home from SP's party. Well....needless to say...due to the girls having cupcakes............and them getting it ALL over my car.....Miss Carli..........washed my car for me! :) I take that as a win! :)

A perfection of a weekend!

 We didnt know how we were going to feel with our 2nd vaccine so we kept the weekend low-key. Luckily for both Tyler and I.....we only felt really........{I should say...REALLY...tired} I did have a headache pretty much all of Friday and then most of Saturday but the tiredness went away for the most part, our weekend stayed normal!

Friday, I crashed! I was literally in bed at like 7:45 because I was just so tired! Saturday I got up and we enjoyed just being at home before heading to the land in Piedmont for a little bit and the OF COURSE hitting Duggar Mountain Fudge before coming home! We soaked up the rest of the day outside and Tyler cooking out!


Daddy had to set it all up and get everything ready...and of course....test it all out too! :)

Then.......Lilys turn! She knows how to hit them!


Alexis hit all of them right after another! This was her 'happy dance' after each hit! It cracked me up!

Then...this one herself for the first time! What I mean by that....Daddy is sitting there with her...but she actually reached the brake and gas! she did it all! She was beaming!

 This one did it all by herself! She is pretty good...I have to say!

Alexis came cleaned up and then went to Sam-Parker's 13th birthday party with Sydney and Carli. They had fun while Lily .....and Tickles ....did this the rest of the afternoon! finish out the beautiful THIS! OH yum! Perfection!

Meanwhile....this was Alexis! She had a great time with all her friends celebrating SP!