Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Happy year.......and almost 3 months birthday Soccer!


so....I guess it is true what they say about the 3rd child! That...you know....they get forgotten about....have no pictures of themselves....have to take naps wherever they can!.......... 

well...I guess it is true for cats too since he is our 3rd! ha!

Soccer turned the BIG ONE the end of December.............and so we are just celebrating it now! ha! The end of March he will be 13 months old! :)

I have been meaning to...and saying that we were going to....it just hasnt happened until last night!

We had a donuts party for him! :)

Lily asked why we didnt get him a birthday gift .....and I said....his gift.....is for you to find all the toys/balls that he does have......that are hidden under chairs....the couch...etc....so he can actually play with all that he already has! So, she spent the afternoon digging under the couch in the living room and pulled his two favorite toys out. He played with them, both, before they got stuck again under it! ha!

Soccer is ALLLLL boy.....LOVES to play soccer....with EVERYTHING in the house! He is constantly hitting at a dangling book bag strap....or shuffling around a piece of his food that fell out of the bowl...or you name it....he is into it and trying to play with it!

Him and Aubie have a special....love hate....relationship! They play together...lay together....etc...but then when Soccer gets on Aubie's nerves.......Aubie will hiss at him and let him know to leave him alone! Now...Soccer doesnt do that {of course} he keeps on trying to play and mess with him until Aubie has enough and tries to get in the highest area away from him that Soccer can not get to...like the cushion on the back of our couch.

He is a mess.........for sure!

We love you Soccer and happy LATE 1st birthday!

This picture CRACKS me up! Aubie wanted NOTHING to do with putting the birthday hat on and smiling for his best friend's party picture! Alexis was trying her best to keep him still during the 10 tries we did to get a good picture! Tyler was literally looking at us the entire time....refusing to be in the picture...or wear a birthday hat too! Gracious! :)

Look how much he has grown from when we first got him! He was SO tiny!

Lily fell in LOVE with him from the moment she laid eyes on him! Those two are the best of friends! He LOVES her SO much....and the feeling is the same with her too!

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