Wednesday, March 3, 2021

3 things!

 It is that time.. 3 things!

I love these posts!

Lets start with Lex!


1. This picture.............SUMS her up! You know how everyone has their awkward......odd...middle school aged pictures??? Well....not this girl! I swear she will never have one! Well....maybe a couple...where the past couple of weeks she has decided to do a middle part {with her hair} and have it slicked skin tight down around the part. {Look back in the previous several pictures and you will see what I am referring to} however.......they still really arent 'bad' pictures of her...even with the part that just doesnt look right {and we are not in the 70s!} :) {You should have seen Tyler the other day. He disappeared into our bedroom and came back out and ate dinner with his hair in a middle part and slicked down. It was the funniest thing I have EVER seen! I tried to get a picture but he ran and shook it out. I think after seeing him...she realized...okay, I do need to go back to my normal part and way I have my hair! ha!} {AND...whew, I can show you a few or more awkward middle school...hideous pictures of me when I was her age! OH BOY!} :)  She is ALL things hip! She is a pro at styling her hair {whether it is curled, straight, you name it!}, putting on her makeup, coordinating her outfits, and doing these poses with her phone. NOW...let me ask her to take a picture. When I do, it is followed by a big sigh and NOT wanting to do it...but taking pictures like this....all.the.time. on her phone is just fine! :)

2. Middle school. Those years where you are trying to figure out who you are. Who are your true friends. Who has your back. Who doesnt. Well....that is where she is right now. Growing up and trying to figure it all out is hard but she is going to be okay and we all have survived those she will to!

3. We are still living in a pandemic. More people are getting vaccinated but as far as restrictions, mask wearing, etc, we are still in full effect. She is handling it all like a trooper. Wearing her mask is no issue, social distancing is a no brainer. She understands how we cant go to as many places or be in big events. I am sad that she has missed out on fun events and experiences, such as cheer camps, etc but she understands and so we are hopeful that since she just made cheer that will correlate  her 8th grade year {enter I cant believe 8th grade here!} that COVID will be gone and she can have a full cheer experience like her and her team deserves!


1. Well.........THIS picture sums her up these days! Where is my Lily bug?!?! Notice....the lipstick/gloss and eyes shadow! Her eye shadow {that she applied herself} matched her outfit {that she coordinated!} YEP...she has officially hit the stage of 'doing her makeup' fixing her hair, trying to act as big as Alexis is! She even tossed her hair with her hand the other day at me as she was telling me a story about school. I was like WHAT is that hair flip about???....and she goes, 'Momma....what?!...I mean...I just flipped my hair!' {In her most sassy...grown voice she could muster!} :) She is going to be double digits in a matter of months and I just knew that she still wouldnt be 'as grown' with the change...but has already happened. She is not my little Lily anymore....and it makes me sad!

2. 10. ALL she talks about is 10. Not sure exactly what she thinks is going to drastically change...but BOY is she looking forward to turning 10! She literally came to me today and said that all of her friends at school have boyfriends {and that Callie is cheating on Brody....because she likes Cade :) :)} {Hilarious!} but that she is working on getting a boyfriend because she is 'lonely' and needs one too! I had a talk about the fact...that she does NOT need a boyfriend and that she is not lonely. She goes....oh yeah...youre right, Im not lonely....I have so much to do with school...and soccer coming up and I dont want to cheat on my boyfriend with doing everything I need to I dont need one. {I am pretty sure she completely ignored...or it didnt sink in...what I told her....but through her rationalizations, she realized, she is okay!} ha!

3. Just like Alexis with cheer, Lily's soccer season is approaching and she is so excited! With us still being in a pandemic we shall see how it goes! Hoping it is about the same as the Fall season, as we survived that without too many game cancellations and she only missed a couple of games due to quarantine. Also, on a different note, with her eye. We are still working on her red spot with the eye drops. We have 3 more months of the drops to see if they help with it going away. We are hopeful! 

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