Monday, March 8, 2021

Back to the beginning....oh the memories and a beautiful day!

 The girls and I went on a girl's day adventure Saturday and just soaked up the beautiful day with some shopping and lunch in B'ham before heading back home!

It was a beautiful day to just cruise with the volume up...........singing loud......and just enjoying the day!

I took the girls to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama since we were on that side of town. They both could not believe that I use to work at a HUGE {per them} building and company like I was showing them as we drove around.

It brought back a lot of good memories as I drove to the front entrance and then around to the big parking deck. I really enjoyed working there...and for it to be my very first 'big girl' holds a special place in my heart!

I took them back to the beginning! 

I had forgotten...somewhat...of what it looked like...but the feelings...yeah, still felt the same to me. It was odd, in a way. I felt like I could just walk right on in and go to my office!

I got this awesome chair for the girl's playroom! I just love it and sooo excited to have it! We had dinner with the Rays on Friday night to eat Mexican and then they came over to get the 2 kid desks to take home so the twins can play school and teacher with them! My girls have loved those desks so I wanted to make sure whomever got them next would love playing with them! Since my girls have decided that they want the playroom to be more 'cool' and less 'kiddie'.........this new chair helps!

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