Friday, March 5, 2021

I spy....

 I spy with my little eye........

3 cats!

Can you spot them?!?

Tickles decided she wanted to come in yesterday afternoon for a little while. So when the door was opened {Tyler cooked out for us!} she came right on in and made herself at home.

By this point in time, Aubie and Tickles are fine with each other. At the beginning....there was a lot of growling from Tickles and a lot of growling and hissing and scaredness by Aubie! Now, they just lay by each other and its fine. Neither one of them bothers the other and all is well.

Now, enter Soccer. 

Soccer knows not to mess with Tickles though he wants to SO bad! He wants to play with her....get close to her....and be beside her. He hasnt acted scared at all with her! Maybe he knows that she has claws that will really hurt him if he pounces on her like he does Aubie! Not sure....

but they all ended up together in the play room last night until Tickles decided she was done and after about an hour and half...she walked over to the door, meowed and we let her out! Simple as that!

Soccer was in the middle of just getting up to go and try and lay beside Tickles when I snapped this! Can you spot all 3?!

Then.....Tickles kicked them both out of the playroom so both of them laid in the hall instead where it was still close by her...but not too! :)

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