Sunday, March 14, 2021

A perfection of a weekend!

 We didnt know how we were going to feel with our 2nd vaccine so we kept the weekend low-key. Luckily for both Tyler and I.....we only felt really........{I should say...REALLY...tired} I did have a headache pretty much all of Friday and then most of Saturday but the tiredness went away for the most part, our weekend stayed normal!

Friday, I crashed! I was literally in bed at like 7:45 because I was just so tired! Saturday I got up and we enjoyed just being at home before heading to the land in Piedmont for a little bit and the OF COURSE hitting Duggar Mountain Fudge before coming home! We soaked up the rest of the day outside and Tyler cooking out!


Daddy had to set it all up and get everything ready...and of course....test it all out too! :)

Then.......Lilys turn! She knows how to hit them!


Alexis hit all of them right after another! This was her 'happy dance' after each hit! It cracked me up!

Then...this one herself for the first time! What I mean by that....Daddy is sitting there with her...but she actually reached the brake and gas! she did it all! She was beaming!

 This one did it all by herself! She is pretty good...I have to say!

Alexis came cleaned up and then went to Sam-Parker's 13th birthday party with Sydney and Carli. They had fun while Lily .....and Tickles ....did this the rest of the afternoon! finish out the beautiful THIS! OH yum! Perfection!

Meanwhile....this was Alexis! She had a great time with all her friends celebrating SP!

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