Thursday, March 11, 2021

One year ago with COVID!


To know....a year ago....we were living our normal lives!

In just two days...March 13th marked the first confirmed COVID case in Alabama!

It has been an absolute CRAZY year since!

To mark the year....I got my 2nd COVID vaccine today!

I purposely didnt choose my Nursing students because....the sweet girl that did my first one, hurt me more than I thought it would when she stuck it in! Ha! I think that is why my arm was way more sore than it should have been. Who knows...but this time, I went to a section with an actual nurse this time around!

The nurse told me to 'relax' and take a deep breath. As soon as I exhaled, he stuck me. I didnt even feel it this time! He told me to load up on tons of Tylenol and Gatorade all day and I should feel fine and hopefully not get sick. 

I am SO hoping he is correct!

I will keep you posted! I have heard from several friends and Nannie tell me how sick they were with the 2nd vaccine so I am dreading the aftermath but hopefully I will be okay!

It is 11:00am. 2 hours since I had the shot....and feeling good so far! :)

Very impressed with how the Community Center has handled both vaccination days! Both the 1st and the 2nd were very organized! I was in and out with it both times!

Im DONE! Hoping COVID is DONE as well! I am ready to have COVID behind us!

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