Friday, March 26, 2021

How many tornadoes can we count?!

 I mean...

3 years ago....same exact time...Spring break....

we did this same thing.

Thank goodness this time, we were not affected but tornadoes communities around us were and then around where we use to live in Birmingham including Lana and Vic's neighborhood were severely damaged. Heartbreaking to see and remember what we went through and know they are going through it now too.

We took shelter in our basement for the 1st round of storms. That is when our power went out. We were without power for about 4 hours. Daddy hooked up our generator {because we learned our lesson from 3 years ago} so the fridge...........................and the TV were going! :)

We pulled out the generator once it got once we came back up {when the storm had passed} they played and played together! 

It was cracking me up!

And played some more! Then we binge watched American Idol before calling it a night! Thankful we made it through with only some nerves being effected!

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