Sunday, March 28, 2021

A fun last day of Spring break!

 We knew Sunday would be storming....again...surprise!! we made the most of our 'last sunny and fun day of Spring break!'

We got to have Grey for the weekend for the 1st time and we were all so excited for him to be with us!

Lily and I picked him up early....and we played the whooollle time until we loaded up and met Gran and Ben at Moe's for lunch and then went bowling!

After bowling, we came home and spent the rest of the night just having fun! Grey slept great! He curled right up with Lily and both of them went straight to sleep!

This morning.............I heard four little feet running into my room at the bright and early time of 6:00am.................with Grey telling me...................Lily woke me up!


That is Lily. That is what she does. That is who she is.   :)

We had Church this morning {the cutest thing ever.....we had Communion and when we went to drink the 'blood' {grape juice} Grey goes...'What are you doin??' ha! That is the only time he spoke or anything during Church! He was SO good the whole time! He sat right beside me and played with his little truck the whole time. Just rolling it over and over his little legs!} :)  and then lunch followed by Grey taking a 2 hour nap!

Right now.......Lily and Grey are playing with Legos and watching Disney plus! 

Alexis is gone with WK and her family to the JSU game. To be fancy and be with them in their suite. Yeah....she was excited to go!

The rain has stopped....but it is still really wet and very overcast so we are just relaxing inside and getting ready to start our groove back tomorrow.

It has been a great Spring break!

Nothing cuter than a little 3 year old in Spiderman  underwear! I let him pick out the kind of 'big boy' underwear that he wanted and he wore them the whole time we were home! He pottied once in the toilet........but........that is all I got! ha! I know it wont be long he will be trained....if he keeps those big boy undies on...and doesnt get them wet! :)

Playing...and playing...and playing...and more!
This is my favorite! The first thing he said when we pulled up...was 'WOW...BIG trucks!' Tyler got them down and they raced them! The sweetest!
Gran gave them their Easter baskets early! They are huge!
Bowling star! She bowled so good!
Lily had fun bowling!

Grey had fun bowling too! cars!

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