Sunday, March 14, 2021

HAPPY birthday Pawpaw!

 After Church today, we met Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi for lunch to celebrate Pawpaw since his birthday is this week!

Today marks a beautiful Sunday....and the clocks changed today! OH...I LOVE this time change! It is my favorite!

We had a great lunch...followed by the girls hanging out back at their house....while Pawpaw and Tyler enjoying some golf........while I am currently doing this...and two loads of laundry before I soak up the day with a run to get groceries for the week................and reading/studying next! I could skip the reading/studying............but ya know, its part of life these days! :)

Happy birthday Pawpaw!

And....later on today....I got a free carwash! Long story....from the night before, I was in charge of picking up Sydney, Carli and Lex to bring them home from SP's party. Well....needless to say...due to the girls having cupcakes............and them getting it ALL over my car.....Miss Carli..........washed my car for me! :) I take that as a win! :)

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