Thursday, September 23, 2021

3 Things! School yearbook picture style!

 It has been forever since I have done a 3 Things post! I just love these! is 3 Things...Fall edition...with Alexis' school yearbook picture and all!

 Her picture turned out so good for the yearbook! She has gotten so good at fixing her hair different ways! I could never do that when I was her age!


1. Allll the things.She bounces from school to cheer to volleyball then back to cheer then to volleyball games then to cheer competition practice and then back over to something else. I have to say...I did it all while in High School and maybe its because I am just 'old' now...but I just dont know how I did and just dont know how she does either. She loves it all and her grades are still all A' there is that!

2. Teenager. OH my. I have to say...the struggle is real! ha! When she was 3...that year was 'hard' for me. Maybe because it was I had her and then a newborn baby.....but I think it was more of....goodness she is so stubborn/sassy and determined! ha! I feel like {most days} I am back to like she is 3. {and not in all the cute/sweet moments!} :) She is 100% typical teenager if you look up the definition including her room! OH my goodness she has always been pretty neat and clean! I can barely see her floor and she is always hungry so she sneaks food into her room leaving empty wrappers, random name it! Sigh! :) She officially 'feels' like a teenager, though, because I let her have an Instagram account. All is right in the world now with her getting to have that! :)

3. She got her bottom braces on this week and its been real fun for her. She has only had top braces so having both now is showing to be an adjustment. She already cant wait to get them off...and she has a good 2 years at least with them on. 


1. Well....where do I begin?! The other day.....she decided to clean out her drawers. I made Tyler go back there and bag it all up because I literally couldnt. I really think she has NO clothes left and will be up a creek when she really needs something....but she has officially stated and determined that she is too old and big for anything unicorn, sequins, stripes, leggings, cute pictures on it, 'wild colors'.............the list goes on. Tyler asked me when he brought out the 6th bag if I wanted to go through anything and make her put it back as he just stuffed and didnt look. I told him no because I am just over it and its just not worth the fight because let me tell you...Lily has made it clear that she is no longer a 'baby!' She dresses herself...she even put on make-up today {which thankfully right now only consisted of a little eye shadow, blush and some lip gloss} because it is her school picture day. She is into the shorter shorts {not NEAR as bad as Alexis and how she used to...and still does...roll them up way too short!} into jeans with allll the holes in them and crop tops are 'cool' to her. OH me....time just flies on by! Thank GOODNESS the teenage attitude has not hit and hopefully and prayerfully I have a couple of more years until that kicks in and hoping it wont. Yeah....I know...wishful thinking! :)

2. Her two top teeth have FINALLY come in! She didnt have them for like 2 years and now she finally doesnt have two holes in her smile! :) She keeps begging for braces but she needs to lose more teeth first. I know the dentist say it is a 'good thing' for you to be later losing teeth but I think she has that beat for the longest! I am just not going to be okay with her wearing braces though because that is really going to solidify that she is growing up!

3. All things soccer is her name. I asked her if she wanted to cheer this go around or try volleyball...and NOPE...she wouldnt have any of that. She loves soccer and that is all she is wanting to do! Her response to playing volleyball was...'Why would I want to play that?!?!...all they do is hit the ball with their arms!' {as she was making a weird face and 'acting' like they do when the volleyball is hit} But.....yet....all you do is kick the ball in soccer.....with your feet........... yeah.....there's no talking to her when she has her mind made up! :)

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