Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Allll these cats!

 I just dont know about these cats of mine! It is the craziest of things to me so I felt it deserved its own post!

We have 3 cats. Aubie, Tickles and Soccer. After each picture I will explain a little about each one and how all of their personalities are and HOW they prefer their drinking of water................. yeah....that's what I said.....


He's our oldest cat. We got him as soon as he was able to be away from his mom when Alexis turned 6! He is the sweetest cat and understands and obeys pretty well! For example...the other night we were all curled up on our bed watching tv when he came walking in and walking towards our master bathroom. I said 'Aubie....noooo...' He stops walking, turns around and looks at me and just meows this meow like...'okay...fine...I want to but you told me no so okay.' :) He is the most skiddish of all the cats and doesnt like to be in rowdy situations...especially the ones that Soccer put him in...constantly! :) 

He is sooooo soft and just has the most beautiful fur! He has the worst and biggest hairballs too! OH my goodness they are not fun to clean up as I have never had a cat that does that. It is gross but at least I know he isnt dying when he starts coughing one up like I thought he was the first time he did it! ha! He loooovvvveeessss Lily. Let me tell you. He LOVES her! That is his person. He doesnt care for Alexis....tolerates Tyler and gives me just enough attention and tries to lay in my lap just because he knows I am the one that feeds him, etc! We all love him and know that he is just a perfect match to our crazy crew!

Now......one of the reasons for this post. Drinking water. As you will later see from the other two cats....they have issues with water! ha! Aubie, as shown in the picture, is the rule follower. He does what he is supposed to! He listens and knows what not to do. As shown, he drinks his water from where he is supposed to and he does it every.single.time.like.he.should. He's so good! :)


We got Tickles not too long after Aubie. I distinctly remember Tyler and I having a conversation that we thought Aubie needed a 'friend,' well, we were set to go to Georgia to get the cutest little kitten and adopt it and that very night..... and into the next morning I heard the fainest whimpers and meows! Couldnt figure out where they were coming from and finally discovered Tickles outside! It is just the wildest thing! We decided to not go to Georgia and had hopes that she would stay around. We went back and forth about her name and Lily chose Tickles, though at first she was Pickles! ha! She is SO smart and though we have had her since like 2015 she hasnt changed at all in terms of her size or her sweetness! I asked around if she belonged to any of our neighbors and thought she would run off eventually...but nope, she loves our back porch, loves us and hasnt gone anywhere! I have no idea what her original name was/is {as I feel she still goes to her original home...though I dont know where it is} :) but when we say Tickles, she comes running! She loves for us to hold her and play with her but when she is ready to be left alone and go about her business {even if it is laying and taking a nap on someone else's porch} then she does it! She has 'friends' that she lets eat her food on the deck but then if she doesnt allow it, you will know it! She will go into scary mode and hiss you off the deck! {I was shocked when she did this to a boxer puppy that ran up on our deck one time!} She also allows the opossums and raccoons for  some crazy reason that I just dont understand! She LOVES to torture chipmunks. That is forever her favorite thing to do! She will carry them around and around and then finally drop them....only for them to become undizzy and start to run away....for her to swoop them up and do the process all over again! It is a sight to see. She never kills them or hurts them just carries them around and chases them when she decides to let them go! She will let us know when she wants to be an inside cat but for the most part she loves being outside. When she decides she is an inside cat it isnt long until she is sitting by the door wanting back out. She was fixed already {come to find out when I took her to the vet} so someone loved her and took care of her before she decided to 'adopt us!' I swear someone bathes her because random times I will pick her up and swears she smells like flowers/clean! ha! And...she is always sooooo clean. Spotless all the time! My favorite thing about Tickles is that she loves to be with the girls every single morning as they are waiting on the bus. She waits with them every morning! She will stand right with them and just love on them and keep them company! Now...when the bus starts coming...she always takes off, but up until then...she is right by their side! ha! :)

Now.....for her water drinking habits! THIS! She will NOT drink out of a bowl of water that I used to put out with her food. Fresh water everyday. NOPE she wont drink it. I have stopped putting it out because it is just a waste and a treat to the rest of the neighborhood friends she allows from time to time. She prefers to drink like a bird out of this! She will jump up there and most of the time lay down and sip when she feels she wants to! It is the craziest thing!


Last but certainly not least, Soccer! This cat is a MESS! He is a night owl to the core. I will hear something clang or bang and half the time I will get up to see what he's done and cant really find anything but him just laying there like 'Im not going to tell you what I just did!' He has only broken a lamp and chewed more computer power cord {when he was a baby} but WHEW...he is a stinker! He will get in these moods where he will bounce off the couch...run as fast as he can to the dining room...then run back into the living room and jump up on the recliner to then bounce off it and take off somewhere else! He loves to mess with Aubie. Aubie doesnt like it 99% of the time but will give him a run for his money when he's up for it! He is so full of energy but when he is done..........WOW he crashes. Like doesnt move a muscle for hours passed out! I purposely will go wake him up because of how he keeps me up at night with his shenanigans!  He is the sweetest and most social out of all the cats. He loves to be right beside everyone and all up in the business! His favorite thing is to run beside me and as soon as I open Lily's door in the morning he jumps on her bed and licks her nose! He wont do that to anybody else...but Lily because he looooovvvvesss Lily probably just as much as Aubie does! He likes to cuddle with us all but Lily is his person! He doesnt have a mean bone in his body but for whatever reason he loves to bite at Aubie's fur! He will do it and then have a mouth full of his fur that we have to chase him to get out! 

He is so intrigued with water! I have no words for him! He will try and get in the shower when we are in. He will sit out from the shower and just look so intently trying to see what is going on and what this wet stuff is. He went through a phase where he would dunk his paw into his water bowl {you know the one that Aubie uses correctly} and then lick his paw and then shake it allll over my wall and floor before dunking it again. He did that for like 3 months! THANK goodness...he finally stopped that....but now....he does this! He will jump up real quick or even jump into the sink and just sit there and then  puts his nose like he is doing in the picture against the faucet. Nothing ever comes out {in terms water for him to actually drink} but he just does it all.the.time. He knows what he is doing because when sees me coming he immediately jumps down because he knows he is about to get in trouble! Gracious! :) {at least he has stopped his dunking of his paw in the water because that was so frustrating} :) :)

We love alll of them....and alll their crazy ways! :)

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