Friday, September 3, 2021

Put a fork in me!....its Friday with a LONG weekend!

 Put a fork in me..........

I am done!

This week has zapped me and boy and I am tired!

With alllllll the craziness going on with work and ALL the mess I have been dealing with concerning COVID and all the agencies and all the student goodness I have felt like there has been a full moon

One thing after another....after another issue....or after another situation. This week it just seemed like I could not catch a break! We have had practices every night, church, chiro appts, to soccer practice to school work, to tests, {Tyler and I had a (5) chapter test on Wednesday} on top of other course work we had to has been never ending this week!

I dont know if I am going or coming right now! ha! BUT.............



For the record............there is always.....always.....always something to be thankful for and there has been so much within this week!

Tyler and I both made a 92 on our test! All the praise hands go up! Alexis played great when she was in her volleyball games! Her team beat both Wellborn and Piedmont this week! Lily had fun and loves her soccer team and the list goes on of all the great things in this week so I am thankful!

You can mark it down.........though....that tonight........I am doing nothing! ha! :)

They were like a WHOLE new time last night!

Tuesday, they played Wellborn at home and lost both games.

We went to Wellborn last night and they not only beat Wellborn both times, they played Piedmont right after and beat them! Their teamwork was on point...their energy was great! Like a whole new team! Coach rotated them well and Alexis played well when she was in and got to play in all the games! It was just so fun to watch!

NOW.............the bar is set and now they have to keep it there for their remaining games! :)

 On Tuesday...Alexis was Libero! When she put on that different colored jersey....she was beaming! So proud of her and she did so good playing! 

 Our Libero!


Way to GO Eagles!

My number 4!

And....pep rally Friday! For whatever crazy reason....they had it in the afternoon this time instead of in the morning like last week. I stayed literally 5 minutes and said peace out...and headed back to work!

Ready for the pep rally! It is an away game against Anniston tonight! Go Eagles and good luck!

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