Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Her day!

 Nan and Pawpaw stopped over before Alexis' football game and went ahead and gave her gifts to her instead of on her family birthday day.

She loved the picture that looks like Soccer! She already has it hanging in her room!

Her Daddy took her on a date for dinner since her soccer practice ended up being cancelled. They had a great time though I told them....he should have had them put whip cream all over her face since she chose Baja! :)

Pawpaw was hiding in the laundry room when Lily walked in from off the bus. She didnt know it! He started singing happy birthday and she started laughing going...Pawpaw where are you?!?! Well, then as he was singing...he put dollar bills through the crack of the door. Lily thought it was hilarious! ha! The more he stuck...the more she grabbed! ha!

Daddy started trying to get over there to grab money too! He didnt make it in time!

Opening gifts from Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi!

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