Monday, September 6, 2021

Its been SO long since we've been to Auburn


Literally I have had them because we love going to Auburn regularly and due to COVID we didnt get to go to any football games last year and we havent been to Auburn...'just to go'..........since I dont remember when.

It was time! was just what we all needed!

We had the best day!

We didnt get up early...we took our time. We enjoyed Cracker Barrel before heading down. We did all the things we love and made sure to soak it alllll up!

It was such a beautiful day! There was a crispness in the air! I actually felt 'Fall!' 

The atmosphere was perfection! 

Everyone was just enjoying life and taking in their day! It was AUsome! Auburn played GREAT! It was great to be at the 1st game that our new coach played in! {If he turns out to be a 'history' making coach...we can say...we were there when it FIRST started!} :)

We left at the 4th quarter so we didnt get home too late! We had the best time together!

 My breakfast buddy!

The other side breakfast buddies!

We shopped and strolled and check out sites! Then we had a Brusters for ice cream goodness!

Of course.....had to have a picture!

GOOOO Tigers!

The girls wanted face tattoos so we found some!

My smallest Eagle!
My FAVORITE spot with my FAVORITE guy eating beside me!
My FAVORITE crew and picture! was soooo good to see this view! The Eagle flew right passed us! It was his first flight as well! Independence was his name!
No better view! Perfection!

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