Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Lily's soccer season is in action!

 There have been some cancellations and then some rain delays so last night Lily was PUMPED to finally get her season going!

I have to has been a blessing because now Alexis' volleyball season is over so we dont have to worry with bouncing everywhere for both! We can just focus on Lily and her season!

The game was a late one and I was not a fan of that! Tomorrow's game is the same and I am not happy about it. It is already chilly {COLD} outside :) and I am just not a fan of it. I like warmth! :)

The team played good and Lily loved being in her element. They tied the 'yellow' team! Lily said that she was the one that named her team and apparently she chose and they agreed on 'Green Gators!'

Ready to GO!

These two have been on the same team since forever....but this season...they were enemies! It was odd not to cheer for Elyn and it was more odd for Lily that she had to take the ball from her! Lily looked at her and said...'My team is going to win!' .............................basically even before she said hello! SMH! But...Elyn laughed and said that her team was going it was funny to see their competitive side!

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