Thursday, October 18, 2012

A little of this...a little of that!

So far we have had a pretty low-key week. At the Law household, we are always just gearing up for the weekends! :) We found out yesterday about Lily's test results. They all came back normal (which is a blessing)...but at the same time we are still at square one with her and why she stays so congested. I am hoping the Pulmonary specialist we see in November will be able to figure out more and help her get better! Pictures below are of her during one of her tests she had done. I was sooo proud of how she was during all of the stuff she had done. She is one tough little cookie!
And guess who received her Awannas vest last night?!? Miss Alexis of course! I am SO proud of her! So far she has loved going every Wednesday! She has to say her bible verses for the week and each week she will receive a patch for her vest! This weeks verse is "While we were sinners....Jesus died for us." Romans 5:8. She told Mrs. Angie as soon as she walked through the doors! (She was ready!!) I am proud of her for memorizing the verse, but I want to also make sure that she knows what the verse means. We are working on all of that and she is learning so much! I am one proud Mommy!!...OH...and she came to me today telling me that she finally knew how to do something. I asked her what had she learn to do...and she said "Mommy, I know how to click now!!" (Snap her fingers!) She is so excited that she can do it. Her face when she does it is priceless! It has been forever that she would "click" but there would never be any sound...but now...she can "click" and "click" and "click" :)

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