Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Shoe addict and The Babbler

I am needing to look into if there is a Shoe addiction anonymous group that I can put Alexis in. :)
You know how a normal person will ask..."What am I wearing today?" when you get out of the shower...well the first thing Alexis says to me is..."Mommy, what shoes am I wearing?!" Oh my...is all I can say! I havent even picked out her outfit yet she is wanting to know what shoes she will be wearing! Also..(and this is the worst)....I find pairs of shoes scattered throughout her room ALL the time that she will wear for a little bit and then go and get another pair and wear them! It is the cutest thing though that whenever she gets a new pair, she gets so excited and she is always so thankful for them! She always wants me to take a picture of her in her new pair....and then she wants to look at it once it is taken! She is a mess! :)

And little Miss Babbler...Lily! She has started babbling so much lately! Age 1 to 2 years old is my favorite age by far! She is 13 months and so far she is saying Hey... Momma...Dadddieee...and Ba (ball). I just love love LOVE how she says Mommmaa as she is flapping her little hand waiving at me. It is the most precious thing to see! She is starting to easily follow instructions now when I tell her to do something. She easily recongnizes objects. She loves to go pick up a ball (while she says Ba) and then she will run over to you and throws it! She loves to blow kisses, wave bye and act like she is talking on a phone. Tyler and I crack up everytime we see her walking around with her hand up to her ear and just babbling away! It is just funny to me how babies these days pick that up so quick to do and are so fascinated with phones and computers! She is growing up way to fast..but I am loving every minute of it! :)

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