Wednesday, October 24, 2012

“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.”

“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.” - Kevin Arnold
I dont think I could sum it up any better than that quote about how first home. Our first home as a new married couple was in Birmingham, Alabama. We were married on July 23, 2005. We moved into our first home in February of 2006. We were so excited to have our first home and start our family! Before we had the kiddos, pretty much every weekend we had some sort of friend group over to cook out, play bocce ball and just hang out! There was a huge mansion on top of the mountain behind our house that would have weddings nearly every weekend. We would love to sit out on our back deck and listen to the live bands they would have playing! (Alexis would later call this mansion Cinderella's house!) Over the 6 years we lived in our first home I hosted a lot of baby showers, wedding showers, engagement parties, Halloween parties, Pictionary parties, and birthday parties! It was the home we brought both our baby girls home from the hospital- the home where Alexis had all of her "firsts" such as crawling and walking! We loved our neighbors and Birmingham! OH so many memories were made! When our house sold, Alexis was just over 3 and Lily was just born. For 4 months...I was pretty much a single mom because Tyler was in Anniston starting his new job and would only come to Birmingham one day a week and on the weekends. Boy, it was tough..but I made it through! We lived with Tyler's parents for 6 months until we finally found "the one!" We looked at a TON of homes...and each one just was never right, just never felt like "home!"....until we walked through the doors of our home now! Tyler and I didnt get down the road until we turned around and went back to make an offer on the house because we both felt it was our home! Our home now has alot of catching up to do with all the wonderful memories we made in our old house, but I am so excited to make them! So far our new home is us as a family of 4!! It has had alot of Lily's "firsts" such as her walking! We had the best time celebrating her 1st birthday party here too! This is our home, I want Alexis and Lily to make so many memories together here! I want them to look back when they are older at this house and smile because it is so special to them! I hope to one day have my grandchildren come over and visit here! (I could go on and on!!) I want Tyler and I to grow older together and watch our beautiful girls grow up in our home!
Below are pictures of our first house :)

 Our home now is below! I am so proud of Tyler because a lot of our old furniture he simply painted and therefore completely changed the look!

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