Sunday, October 21, 2012

Weekend of birthdays!

We had 4 birthday parties this weekend! Alexis had 3 of her little friends from school have their parties. The most important party of all was Nannie's! Her actual birthday is October 30th, but LaLa came into town to visit so we decided to throw a little low~key birthday bash at our house since we were all together! We all enjoyed just catching up, watching football (even though it is sooo tough to watch Auburn this year :( and eating the pumpkin cookies and caramel cake LaLa brought! YUM! Sunday we joined Nan and Pawpaw at their church and enjoyed a yummy potluck lunch! We had a busy but great weekend! :)

 War Eagle even if we have a losing season :(

 Before church!....

I dont know if you can see in these pictures really well or not, but I just love Lily's hair! It is so thin...and the back ALWAYS sticks straight up in the air! No matter what I still is up in the air! I call her Alfalfanator JR....because her daddy is Alfalfanator Senior! He has one strand of hair that is constantly stuck up too! :)

 I told Alexis that when she is crying and not acting good that her face looks like the pumpkin on the right! :)...maybe that will make her act good all the time because she didnt like his face! ;)
 Alexis is obsessed to say the least in picking Nan's flowers that she has growing!! When we lived with them for the almost 6 months...Nan almost didnt have any flowers left after we were gone because Alexis picked them all! :)

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