Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Family bike rides!

Since we have moved into our new neighborhood, we have loved going on family bike rides together! We got Alexis a bike with training wheels for her birthday and she has learned to ride it so well! I usually walk and push Lily in her stroller. It is easier for me to help out and direct Alexis as she is riding even though Tyler keeps wanting me to ride my bike with the little seat for Lily to sit in. Maybe here soon, when I feel Alexis is more comfortable riding, I will take out my bike! Our neighborhood is just so cozy and peaceful! I love to look at all the pretty homes and beautiful wooded areas as we go! We walked some in our old neighborhood in Birmingham, but here is just so different! In our old area, the houses were all the exact same and there were only a few trees! There for sure was not a peaceful view at our old house compared to now! Tonight was a beautiful Fall afternoon! The weather was absolutely perfect to go for a ride!
 The girls are ready to go! Alexis always cracks me up as we go because if she thinks she is going to fast, she will do her brakes real quick and squeal her tires!....or.....there may be a parked car like a mile ahead and if she starts going faster than she feels comfortable, she will start saying..."mommy..mommy, I am going to hit that car!!" (she is no where near the car though!)...at least she is being cautious and she also makes sure she stops at all stop signs too! Little Miss Lily just sits back and enjoys the sights..she doesnt make a peep!
 Alexis wanted me to take a picture of her pedaling...and have the pretty flower in the picture too! Boy, good thing I am such a professional photographer! :)

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