Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Poukin" carving and Fall Festival!

We LOVE to carve "poukins" as Alexis calls them at the Law house! Then reality comes into play..and we like to stay as far away as possible and watch Daddy carve them! haha!! This year we had a dis-functional pumpkin because it was rotted on the stem so we had to tape it to cover the hole! Oh me...way to funny! Alexis was cracking me up while Daddy was carving! She kept saying "I dont want that icky, sticky goo goo on me!" ...."keep that icky, sticky goo goo away!" (the inside of the pumpkin and the seeds!) She thought it was disgusting! (which it is :) )
 Lily just didnt understand what was going on! She kept looking at the pumpkin...but she never touched it!

 This picture CRACKS me up!! I of these days Alexis will be an actress and living in Hollywood! She picked up the spoon and pretended to be helping Tyler get everything out!! (because she wanted me to take her picture!!) I laughed so hard..and if you look..Tyler is too!
 This is how she really was the whole time! Look how far back from the pumpkin she really is! She did NOT want any of the icky, sticky goo goo near her! She said it stinks! ha!
 The finished pumpkin! Sooo..sad little pumpkin with his taped head! ha! Alexis sat by it now...that it was done!
We enjoyed Saturday afternoon at FBC of Saks with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi at the Fall festival!  It was sooo cold but we had alot of fun! Alexis rode rides, jumped in the bouncy house, played games...and ate hot dogs! Lily slept most of the time!

Here are a couple of pictures of us carving pumpkins last year...well Daddy carving! (October 2011!!)
 Look at my babies!!

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