Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Understanding the Puzzle

I have had alot on my mind in the past couple of weeks that have been heavy on my heart. Being a Mommy is hard when your baby is sick and you feel helpless for her. My sweet baby cant tell me what hurts...or what is wrong, and that is tough when I want nothing more than to make her not feel bad! Also, I am still praying daily for the Brooks and Turner families. When I found out they lost a member of their families so tragically, it broke my heart. To loose someone so quickly is just something that I wish no one has to go through. The day I lost my Dad was just unbearable. I looked up at God...and asked "why". Why do things happen that we dont like? Why do things happen we dont deserve? I heard a powerful sermon one Sunday that spoke so close to home for me. ~Get a 400 piece puzzle. Dump the puzzle pieces on the floor. Look down at all the puzzle pieces scattered on the floor. Pick up one of the pieces. When you look at that one singe puzzle piece, you stop and think....what significance does the piece hold? Why is it here? This puzzle piece and all of the pieces on the floor makes no sense to me. Once you start to put the puzzle together the pieces start to make sense. You look at the front of the puzzle box for guidance on how to match the pieces to put the puzzle together. Slowly...but surely...the puzzle becomes complete. You see the big picture of the beautiful waterfall or Castle in England once the puzzle is completed. Now apply this scenario to real life. When something happens in your life...and you just dont understand why...think of it as a puzzle piece to your life. You will need to look to God (just like looking at the front of the puzzle box) because he knows the big picture of the beautiful waterfall or the Castle in England. We dont know why things happen the way they do, but what we can do is trust in God to know that he has the plan for us and if we put our faith and love into him...then we can make it through all of the puzzle pieces of our life. The puzzle pieces are events in our life and God is the front of the puzzle box and combined is your life.We may not understand..or like...things that are going on in our life, but God knows what we can handle...God knows the big picture.

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