Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hard workin & feelin the blues...

Saturday funday has not turned out so fun this weekend!.........Lily, Daddy and I didnt get really any sleep last night. Tyler and I had a great time on our date night, but once we got the girls home the fun began! :(
Lily was up all night coughing and crying because she just couldnt get comfortable and breath through her nose. So, today I took her to the doctor. Poor little thing has had bronchitis, the flu and now upper respiratory asthma/sinus infection in the past 2 months! She has been through it all! :(
She is sleeping now, and hopefully the medicine she got will make her feel better soon! We were going to watch Alexis' little friends..Cooper, Walker and Nick play their basketball game, but we had to cancel. :(
While we were gone to the doctor, Daddy got the front yard finished! There are a couple more things that he wants to get done, but WOW at the transformation he has made! It looks great! He is such a hard worker. He just doesnt know how to sit down! :) .........he puts 100% in everything he does and never cuts corners! I hope that my girls look up to him and take after him as they grow! :) He is for sure a great role model for his girls! :)
So....we will be spending the rest of our weekend trying to rest and feel better! ....and now onto the back yard next for Daddy! :)

Lily was SO good while we were waiting on the doctor!

The next two pictures are the "before" pictures of our yard before Tyler got his hands on it! ha!

The next two pictures are the "work in progress" pictures! :)

And ...............drum roll please............... THE NEW LANDSCAPED YARD!

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