Friday, February 15, 2013

My funny Valentines!

This week was Valentines day week! We had alot of fun activities this week to celebrate the day of LlloOove! :)
Tuesday night we had dinner with Aunt Pam, Brandon, Nannie, Hogan and Gran at Aunt Pam's house. The girls are always so excited to go to Aunt Pam's house and eat all of her apples before it is time to eat dinner! :) Gran gave the girls the CUTEST little Tutu outfits for Valentine's Day to wear to their Fancy Nancy Tea Party that is next week! (Alexis can NOT wait for this!..we have been reading Fancy Nancy books for the past 2 weeks and she just loves Fancy Nancy! I call her Fancy Nancy Lexie and she just smiles sooo big!) Aunt Pam got the girls two fun Valentine books that they have enjoyed reading this week too!
Wednesday night Alexis had Awanas..and after we came home and got everything ready for her Valentine party at school the next day! She had soo much fun at her party on Thursday!
*Funny story:
I asked Alexis the other day who her valentine is…..and she said she wanted it to be Nick! ( a precious little boy in her class) so, I asked her yesterday when I picked her up how her Valentine party went... etc.
I asked her if Nick was her valentine? …………well……..she lowers her head and looks so sad and says no. I asked her why he wasn’t.
She goes……”Well Mommy, he did eenie meenie miney mo…and so I wasn’t his valentine.” (looking so sad when she said this)
So I said….”well he did eenie meenie miney mo… choose his who was his valentine?”…………and Alexis said ……Ella! Haha!
Mr. little ladies man had a tough decision…………and what a genius way of making the decision than none other than eenie meenie miney mo!! 
I just laughed so hard picturing Nick standing in front of Alexis and Ella doing eenie meenie miney mo! WAY too funny! Alexis did say though that Nick……..and Walker gave her a valentine’s hug! Ha! It just cracks me up how they are at this age with things they do and say!! ha!

So Thursday was THE day! :) Tyler, the gentleman that he is, asked his mom to go to dinner with him so they went to eat and then enjoyed ice cream together after. So, Pawpaw wanted to be our the girls and I went to dinner with Pawpaw! (We had more fun that Nan and Daddy did! ;) )

Tonight Tyler and I get to have our Valentines date! whooo hooo! :) Gran got us a gift card for dinner so we are going to eat and to a movie! It has been a looong while since we have been on a "date" so...we are excited...and Gran is keeping the we are kid less too! :) whooo hooo! :)

One of these days Alexis is going to look at these pictures and say "Mom...what was I doing?"...and my response will be.."This is you..being you..and not listening to me and not wanting to put the love sign down and you making up your own poises!" :) .............but I love her poises she does! :)

Alexis was so excited to do her Valentine cards for all of her friends! She wrote all of their names and her name on each one! I was SOOOO proud of the great job she did writing! (She is only 4!!) :)

This is the cutest thing ever! Alexis made this at school to put all of her Valentines in! Is it not adorable!...and soo much fancier than the shoe box things I made when I was a kid to put mine in! I love seeing all of her valentines she got from all of her sweet friends!!

Aren't these outfits sooo cute for their Tea party coming up! Cant wait to see them in these!!

Nan got Alexis the cutest little desk so she can do her homework when she starts school! Alexis loved it..and Lily loved it too! Lily kept trying to get up there and sit too! ha!

But...they both LOVED the balloons just as much!! :)

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