Friday, February 1, 2013

The month of LoOooOve

We are already into the month of February! Goodness time is flying! This was our last week in January and I have to say I am looking forward to the month of LllloOOoove! :)
Alexis is so excited about her Valentine's party coming up and giving all of her friend's their Valentine from her too!
This week was an improvement in the rain and sick department! It did rain a good bit but not as much as the weeks earlier. Lily is still a little congested too...but she is getting better! We didnt have a very busy week this week....just the same routine of study etc!
Alexis was sooo excited this afternoon when I told her that I registered her for Tee~ball!! I am a little nervous but excited for her to do this. I hope so much that she likes to play. I have been practicing with her and so good....but she still needs ALOT of practice! :)
If I throw it to her and she doesnt catch it...(which is pretty much every time)...she will say something like "Mommy, you threw it too high"...or "Mommy you need to throw it better" etc (which I did throw it good)...she just doesnt know how to catch :) So I am curious how the Tee~ball thing is going to go with her! Especially too...I hope that she doesnt get hit with the ball somehow and then gets upset and doesnt want to play anymore! ha!....but we/she will never know if she will like something new until she tries it!
 I read a great quote today that I think is fitting for Alexis' new adventure in Tee~ball:

Face it…Challenge it…Go Forward…Conquer. Never. Deny...Evade....Falter…Crumble  ~unknown

 **when you are faced with a problem or a challenge in life in general, face that difficult situation..admit you have a situation that is hard and take steps to conquer it! When you deny you have a hard situation and you will only make everything else in life crumble.
I hope Alexis and Lily both, always faces their challenges and doesnt falter and conquers!

 We are looking the fun filled weekend! We are heading to Birmingham again for Payton's birthday party. Alexis and Lily will be dressed as Princesses! (Pictures to come!) :)

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