Friday, February 22, 2013

The teether and the tattletale...

We have had an eventful week this week with the Fancy Nancy Tea~party, Awanas, and Bible study.
Alexis said her new Bible verse Wednesday night which was: 'For God so loved the world that he gave his only son. John 3:16'. I love that she loves to learn her verses and every Wednesday is just so excited to go to Awanas! And tonight we had dinner with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi and then enjoyed going to a movie! .....and now we are ready for the weekend! (always ready for the weekend here at this house!)

On another note...Alexis is a tattletale...yep I said it, Alexis knows it and Daddy says it a billion times because she mostly tattles on him! :) With that being said. Last night I had my Bible/book study. I had everything taken care of in order for the girls to go to bed while I was gone. Lily was already asleep. My last words to Tyler before I left was "Dont forget to brush Alexis' teeth before you put her to sleep."  (again everything else was done)

Now....from the time I left..... to the time it was to put Alexis to sleep was 15 minutes. Well, I guess in that 15 minutes it was soooooo hard to remember my last words...the only ONE thing I asked him to do.
Well....Alexis wakes up this morning right before I am about to leave to go to work. So she comes into the kitchen and the first thing out of her mouth is "Mommy, Daddy didnt brush my teeth last night" (In that perfected tattletale sing song voice that she has)....that really is annoying, and we are working on her to not be such a tattletale even though it is not totally bad being one sometimes. (when needed) ;)

So, I....loud enough so Daddy can hear me since he is in the bedroom....say "So Daddy didnt brush your teeth last night like I asked him to do...the one thing I asked him to do before I left!?" Well, Daddy hears this and responds "Mommy, Alexis is a tattletale!" (in that same perfection of the tattletale sing song voice) ...I know who Alexis gets it from! ;)
So, lesson # 532,325,522 in the Law house learned:  If you do what you are supposed to do...which should always be the correct/right thing, then you will NEVER have to worry about being tattled on!
(by a 4 year old!)  ;)

Poor Lily this week..(I feel like I say that ALL the time)...has been teething really really bad. I never knew when Alexis was cutting teeth. She never had any problems and never had any signs. Well, sweet Lily...she has ran a low grade fever, not felt like eating much, has had a really runny nose and MAJOR blow out diapers with bad diaper rash. We can tell every time she has teeth coming in! :( Luckily for me, all of her bad blow diapers have been at school...not so lucky for her teachers...and really sad for her having to deal with it! Poor thing just cant seem to get a break sometimes! :( I am really ready for her to have all of her teeth in!

Alexis has practiced Tee~ball a couple of afternoons! We find out next week what her team name is and who is on her team! Practice will be starting coming up and then in April will be her first games!! She is really good at swinging her bat and hitting the Tee...we are working on that swing to hit the ball though! ;)

Lily hanging out with Daddy!....yes, if you notice her shirt is just over her head and that is all! They both were too lazy to put it on all the way! ha!

Before Tyler and I had kids...we would LOVE to go at random times of the night...say 10:00 o'clock at night to Sonic or McDonalds and get an ice cream or some kind of fun drink! Well, since we have had kids...we havent been able to do that. Well, Daddy decided he wanted to have Daddy~Lexie time so 30 minutes before her bedtime the other night....they loaded up and headed to McDonalds to get ice cream! Notice Alexis has chocolate all over her face! She ate all of the chocolate and didnt eat much of the vanilla! I am sad that Daddy has replaced me on "fun runs" to get ice cream...but it makes it all better that I am replaced by this cutie!! 

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