Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thank you Lord

Thank you Lord for blessing us with this beautiful day. We at the Law house are very thankful for everything you have done. We have had a great weekend...even with Lily not feeling well yesterday. She is still not herself..but much better today. Her stomach has been bothering her for the past couple of days. (I am hoping it is teething...and she is done with it!) (fingers crossed!)
We didnt have any plans this weekend but to just hang out at home, relax and today we played outside. It was 70 degrees and blue sunny skies! Could not have asked for a better day! It was a far difference than all the past days here lately with all the gloom and rain! So sad, but it is supposed to start storming again tomorrow! :(  Maybe it will pass and not! (fingers crossed again!!) Alexis jumped...and jumped...and jumped on her trampoline! She would still be jumping right now if it were up to her! That girl just has WAY tooooo much energy! ha! We also practiced tee~ball today also! She is getting better and better! :) Daddy is slowly...but surely finishing up the yard, so he worked on it all weekend. There is just SO much to do with it! I cant wait to see the finished product of the backyard since he has done such a great job on the front!

And this weekend...we have been playing with what is left of our Valentine balloons! This is the lonely last one we have! I guess it is perfect timing since this is the last week of LlllooOOoooove month!
(February has flown by!)

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