Sunday, February 10, 2013

Where is my "Rock~a~tar?"

We had a great weekend! Saturday got up to 62 degrees! I love when I dont have any "obligations" and we just have an easy...go with the flow...weekend. That is exactly what we had! Our friend Becca called and invited us to the Anniston Museum so we loaded up and met Laynee and Walker to play! The girls had a blast just running around, playing and looking at all of the animals! We had lunch with them and then headed home for perfect timing of the afternoon nap! ;)
Daddy worked on the yard and it is almost done thanks to Nan coming up to help him out!
Every Sunday...I cant help but get the song "Manic Monday" in my head! I love the lyrics..."I wish it were Sunday....thats my fun day...I dont have to run day!"....and that is what we are doing so far today!
The girls decided to have a "rock show" this morning! They were cracking me up!! Lily was just dancing and singing  right along with Alexis! (She kind of stopped when I cut the video camera on though)!

Alexis, Lily, Laynee and Walker. This is the best picture I could get of four busy kiddos! (The bear in the background just ended up having to be chopped out of the picture!) :)

This video cracks me up! The rock show was going great until Alexis had to go find her "Rock a tar" (her guitar...she couldnt think of the correct word!)...

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