Monday, February 11, 2013

My heart

Lily is 17 months this week! She is the most sweet, loving and huggable little girl! I could just squeeze her to death! :)
These past couple of weeks have been the biggest changes yet for her to me. She has just become much more of a toddler so quick here lately! The "I can do everything by myself" attitude is already kicking in too. She will throw a little fit if you do something that she wants to do by herself!
Her vocabulary has taken off also! She is getting pretty good at copying words that I say. She has started saying no. Yep, no has officially hit the word list! (She usually says no no no, though!)
She also says "dop"....(stop), bubble, dog, night night and hey are some others that she has been saying too!!
She is obsessed with closing doors, cabinets, drawers, the trash can door, dishwasher, anything that is open...she HAS to close it and keep it closed. I have had several accidents almost of dumping left over food into the floor instead of the trash can because I will look down and it will be out and before I know it, she has already pushed in the trash can and closed the door!..........right when I am about to dump the food!
She LOVES to color with Alexis. She will sit in the chair...grab a crayon and just "color" like she is 4 years old too!
**I think she is going to be a lefty because she always uses her fork and writes with her left hand. Alexis would swap back and forth with what she would do at this age, but overall she would always use her right hand. Lily just uses her left hand every time so we shall see if she changes!
Speaking of forks.........she has become obsessed with forks lately too! She will grab my fork away from me and start using it if I dont get her one to use! She is getting better and better with getting the food in her mouth instead of on my floor! ;) Alexis at this age wasnt even interested in using a fork...and when I did introduce it to her, she would still mostly use her hands. Lily was the one that decided herself that she was ready! (Maybe that is a good sign that she will starting wanting to potty train herself too!) ;)
She is also loving trying to take her clothes off by herself. She will get mad if I try and help her...but madder when her shirt or pants get over her head! And her MOST favorite thing to do is take her shoes and socks off.... All.the.time. It is such a PAIN too! :) Every time we get out of the car, we have to search for where she has thrown her shoes and socks and put them back on only to turn around 5 seconds later and see that she is trying to take them off again!......she has even been put in time out at school because she will not stop taking them off when the teachers tell her to stop! :)
She still loves to eat....and eat....and eat! She really isnt picky at all. Green beans are still by far her favorite!
She is responding so much more to questions when someone asks her something and more aware of her environment too! We are getting closer to 2 more and more everyday!! {insert tears here}

This picture describes her personality perfectly to me! That little sweet..innocent half smile, just has my heart!!

 Here she is using her fork! She is getting really good at it! :)

Here is a perfect example of Lily wanting to do everything by herself and little miss "Mommy" trying to help! Lily just had to put her shoes on by herself...even though it is on the wrong foot!...but dont worry "Mommy Alexis" was there to correct her! :)

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