Thursday, February 7, 2013

Throwback Thursday ~ For the Record!

Dear Alexis and Lily,
For the record....once upon a time...(which I would like to say we still are today)....and (still are when you girls are ever reading this) :)...your Daddy and I are/were some really "cool" people!
Yes, that is right....Mommy and Daddy were/still are cool! We have done alot of fun things, we have been on alot of fun vacations even before you two were ever born!
Your Daddy and I dated for 5 years before we got married. We were married for right at three years before we had kids...and as of today we are going on eight years of marriage! ~all while being "cool!" haha!
I want yall to always remember that when the day comes that yall think your old Mommy and Daddy are embarrassing and not "cool"! ;)

For a "Look back in time".............this week's look back is our very first trip (that we paid for) and (by ourselves) trip as a married little couple! We went on a cruise! The year was 2006! :)

**A little History leading up to the cruise:
Tyler worked at Shoal Creek Golf course during this time. He met and became really good friends with a guy named Bryan Scroggins who worked there too. Together they started their own landscaping/lawn care service. So, after work they would load up and go work on their yards. Bryan did the "side job" since he had a brand new have extra money for Ava. Well, since Tyler and I didnt have any kids yet, he just saved his extra money he made.
 Well, we went on a honeymoon cruise to the Bahamas, Jamaica and the Grand Cayman Islands. It was beautiful and sooo much fun. Well, Tyler decided to surprise me (with the money that he had saved up from his "side job") and for our 1 year anniversary we went to the Bahamas and Belize on a cruise! (He remembered how much I loved the Bahamas because it was sooo pretty!!) :) It was sooo thoughtful!...and a huge surprise!

We had so much fun on this trip! We just relaxed, shopped, ate great food, layed out on the beaches, saw the sights and in Belize we went Cave tubing. Cave tubing was unbelievable. To this day, Tyler and I both say that is the best/most fun thing we have done yet! It was creepy/scary/thrilling/amazing all at the same time! We each had our own huge tube that we sat on and floated our way through underground caves. The water was cold but bearable, and it was so dark! We had these little flashlights strapped to our foreheads so we could see (kind of) what was around us! There were bats in the caves too! Talk about alot of memories made on this trip! :)

The Hard Rock Cafe was SO good! It was so neat to see all of the displays they had with different rock star's outfits etc from the Bahamas!

This was a HUGE chair at the Atlanis Hotel in the Bahamas! This hotel is of the line....high pretty...I could go on and on! One of these days...maybe we will be staying here when we go back to the Bahamas! ;)

Our huge cruise ship! When went to Belize, this ship had to anchor down really far out away from the shorelines because Belize has a huge reef. The ship couldnt get close to let us off because they didnt want to ruin the reef. We had to take little boats back and forth from this ship to the pier.

Yeah this is me...Mommy...being "cool"! :) (This Caribbean man was sooo stinky smelling!) ha!...but it was fun to play with him!
**See how "cool" Mommy and Daddy are!!! :)

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