Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Maiden and her Knight

We had a busy but fun weekend! We headed to Birmingham to do some shopping and then over to the  Rigney Castle to celebrate Payton's 5th birthday! I just can not get over that he is 5! Every birthday he has just shocks me that Alexis is always right around the corner to be that age! 5!! 5!!....oh my Alexis is about to be 5!! :)

Before we went to the birthday party we enjoyed our MOST favorite place to eat...Moes!! It was sooooo good...and goodness how Tyler and I miss it! :) Then we headed to Academy and picked out Alexis' Tee~ball gear!! She got a new glove, bat, balls, and cleats! She looked soooo cute in all of her pink stuff! (Yes..her bat .....her cleats..her glove...are all pink!) :)

While we were getting ready to go to Birmingham, Alexis said she wanted to have curls like a Princess for Payton's party. Soo...I got out her hot rollers...and even though they were soooo hot...(and I burnt my finger tips)...I got her hair all curled up! She was soooo excited about it....

see the smile............well that didnt last 5 seconds when I took the rollers out!!!........

Well....right after this picture...I took out the rollers. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!....she started BAWLING!!!! She almost couldnt breath she was crying so hard! She kept saying.."My hair is fat...Mommy, my hair is fat...I dont like it!"
She didnt even give me a chance to brush it out or fix it....NOTHING...she hated it...said it was fat and was SO upset how her hair looked!
*Note to self I will never have to worry about Alexis ever having a "bouffant"!! :)
So Daddy took her and rewashed her hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. No big poof!

Alexis was so excited to get all of her Tee~ball stuff!...especially that it was all pink!

Lily was just enjoyed the buggy ride!

And checking out all the stuff Alexis was trying on and doing! :)

Alexis....the birthday boy...and Sammy! (The Maiden (Princess) and her Knights!)

**Funny story: Alexis said to Payton that he didnt look like a Prince..and he goes, Well because I am a Knight....and Alexis says..."but Payton you are my Prince!" haha!!

Lily wanted to be a Maiden too!

Lily was so funny. The whole time all the other girls were making their crowns...she just stood back and watched all of them. Well, when they were done....and gone....she went over to the table and started making her crown! She was going cross eyed trying to stick the "jewels" on her crown!

And AHHHH.......Tyler and I LOVE to wear the girls out....that means...a nice....peaceful drive all the way home!!.......

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