Sunday, June 16, 2013

21 Months....and she is not a baby!

My little girl is still little...........but in her world she is as big as her big sister! Lily is 21 months going on 25 years old!

She is into everything!!.........and just understands so much this month! She is putting two and three words together now! She can say for example..."I want some." or "Where is Sissy?"

She says pretty much everything now and can follow directions {when she wants to!} :)

She is OBSESSED with the movie Bolt! she comes in from school and says "Where's Bolt?" "I want Bolt!" She will stare at the entire movie! Tyler bought the movie the other day so we can let her watch it in the playroom since she took over the living room watching it because we originally only had it recorded! ha!

She loves her new school....and is doing so well in the 2 year old room! Tyler said the other day that when he dropped her off, that her teacher told her to go find the "cat chair" because they have assigned seats. He said that she went to each little chair and would pull it out and look to see what animal was on it. If it didnt have the cat on it...she would push it back under the table and then look at the next chair! When she found the "cat chair".......Tyler said she looked at him and smiled so big as she knew she had the right one! :)

We love you Lily!! :)

This is prime example of Lily thinking she is SO big! She had on Alexis' goggles....and was putting on sunscreen all by herself :)

Still working on the paci...but it is a loosing battle! :) She loves this book! {It talks...and she repeats what it says! :) }

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