Monday, June 3, 2013

They made it...but did I?!

Today was such a success for both girls! They both had a great day and did so well in their new places! Alexis said she had so much fun! She said she doesnt remember her friends' names but that she made alot of friends today! :)
She said that she colored, and watched a movie and swam in the pool!
Tyler said when he picked her up today that it looked like there were between 25 and 35 kids!
This Summer Camp thing is going to be a huge change for Alexis because at Summer Camp there are no naps anymore.........and she has to keep up with her stuff! {Her bathing suit, her shoes, and snacks etc!} this will be teaching her responsibility and help her "grow up" :)

When I picked Lily up this afternoon..........she was all smiles! Her teacher said that she was so good all day and that she was such a lady! {That comment makes me smile because I am always telling them to act like a lady!} They went ahead and moved her into the 2 year old class also {like at Wee Care} because they saw how she was and that they thought she could handle the bigger aged class! {Talk baby is a "big girl!"} :)
I am so blessed and thankful that my girls are so happy and easy and just love to go! They are very good at getting adjusted to new things! {It makes my life easier!}

Me......on the other was a total mess! I was so nervous for both of them and worried that they wouldnt like their new places! I couldnt keep my mind off of both of them all day! I couldnt wait to get home and see both of them and talk to them about how their day was!

And talk about WHEW.........but goodness, trying to keep up with both of them is hard! Trying to make sure that I keep up with when one needs a bathing suit and when one doesnt need a snack and when one needs two snacks............and when I need to give Alexis 2 dollars for the ice cream truck, and when to bring lunch and when not to bring lunch and when it is water day and when it is not field trip day! It is a little overwhelming! :) But in a good way!
This is just the beginning of them being in two different places and doing different activities I need to shape up! :)
I....for some reason....was so caught up in Alexis' stuff because she had so much more stuff to get together for her first day...that I totally forgot that Lily was the one that actually needed lunch! Talk about a big "party foul!" :) But...dont worry, I have my head on straight now...and I will get all of this new change down! :) {I hope!} ha!

They both are going to be just fine as our lives and "life experiences" change...........I just need to take a deep breath and wrap my head around it all! :)
Day 1............ A+ !!!!!

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