Tuesday, June 11, 2013

He finally made it!

He finally made it over after weeks of both Alexis and Walker begging to come over to our house! Walker spent the afternoon with us! I picked up the two big kids and then swung by and grabbed Lily and we went to eat dinner and then we came home and they played until both of them were worn out!

They did everything from play outside catching lightning bugs...jumping on the trampoline, playing Gone Fishing, Doctor, watching a movie, dancing, eating popsicles...the list goes on! Both Walker and Alexis had a great time playing together..........and neither of them wanted to stop playing and go to bed! :)

I have to say....it was pretty interesting having two 5 year olds around! Their conversations and the way the act around each other are just WAY too funny! :)

We had a great time with Walker at our house! :)

Making their funny face!

Alexis trying to get Walker to put his arm around her!! :)

Making their scary face!!

Trying to get a picture of all 3! {yeah...what was I thinking!! :)}

Fun times jumping on the trampoline!! 

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