Monday, June 17, 2013

Cant believe they are 21!

Where has the time gone!?? I can NOT believe Meagan and Mal are 21 today! They have both grown up to be the most beautiful....well rounded girls! I only hope and pray that my girls are just like them when they grow up! Meg and Mal have been such great role models for my girls to look up to! I am so thankful for them being in our lives! Happy happy birthday girls...the Laws love yall! :)

This is what I remember of the twins! My goodness how time flies! Are they not sooo precious!! :)

Mal and Alexis at her 1st Dance recital!

OH WOW! Throwback! :) I was VERY pregnant with Alexis! :)

Meg Alexis and Mal!

The cheerleaders!!

Our VERY fun Cruise! Us girls had SO much fun on that trip! :)
{"What a Girl Wants" has a whole new meaning now after that trip! :)}

My Auburn girl!! We love to see Mal in Auburn when we get to visit!!

Meg and the girls at Easter!

Meg and Alexis had so much fun trying to find crabs at the beach! :)

Beach trip! This was the girls birthday dinner! :)

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