Saturday, June 8, 2013

Recital Saturday!

Today was Alexis' second Ballet recital! She did so well during her performance! Her song was a classical song...{not sure of the name} though. The dance company was Happy Feet Dance and the recital was held at Piedmont Elementary School! {Which just so happened to be where Nan and Pawpaw both used to go to High school!...and where their Prom was! :)}

We spent the day leading up to the recital by eating at our favorite breakfast place!...Cracker Barrell! We had some errands to run and we had to get Alexis some new Ballet shoes! I didnt realize how much her foot had grown until last night at rehearsal I noticed her shoes were really tight on her feet! So, we are all good now...she has a new pair! :)

Daddy and Alexis decided they wanted to go to the pool after lunch.........and so they went while Lily and I stayed home so she could nap! When Tyler and Alexis got home it was time to get ready to go the the recital! On the way up to the place....Alexis was SO funny! Poor girl was SO tired! She would start to fall asleep and her head would fall...and then she would pop back awake and then her eyes would start rolling again! Luckily...she perked up when it was performance time and she did such a GREAT job doing her dance! She was beautiful...and so graceful! :)

After the recital we all headed to eat some yummy...and one of Alexis' favorites...Mexican! Nan, Pawpaw, Brandi, Gran, Ben, Aunt Pam and Richard all enjoyed dinner!

Lily did a little CD shopping at Wal~mart! She was cracking me up because she wouldnt take her hand out of her pocket!

And of course...Alexis did some modeling in the aisles of Wal~mart!

Alexis was SO excited when Daddy asked her if she wanted to go swimming! She was ready in no time with her water gun!

And then the MAIN event! :) The recital!

Alexis did SUCH a great job!

She received her achievement ribbon!

I just love this beautiful face! :)

And this beautiful face too! ....................that had a total meltdown at the Mexican restaurant after the recital! OH ME! :)

So beautiful!

Nan and Brandi with Alexis

The best we could get of a family picture! :)

Alexis and her sweet friend Laynee!

And I think I am going to enjoy the flowers the most! :)

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